Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

"Legolas' Love"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Five: The Return of the Fellowship

        Legolas had never been more nervous in his life. Walking in the woods with Nimbus was like a dream come true, and he was going to make his move. If he had to choose between living without Nimbus, and dying after one more kiss, he would choose the kiss. He grabbed her hand and looked deep in her eyes.
        "Nimbus," Legolas said, trying to keep his voice steady. "After all of this, will you be mine forever?"
        Nimbus smiled and nodded, tears of joy streamed openly down her eyes, and Legolas swept her into his arms and a passionate kiss. Nimbus pulled away slowly, she was panting, and Legolas could feel her heart beat rising next to his own heart.
        "What is it?" he asked.
        "Luniar," she answered.
        No sooner had she replied, then arrows were pointed at their heads. Niether moved. There was an evil laugh that emerged from mist. Luniar came up to the two.
        "Tsk tsk Princess," he said. "Don't you know better than to trust a strange."
        Luniar pulled Nimbus to him and wrapped his arms around her. She tried to escape, but he held her tight. Legolas watched in anger as Luniar's hand slipped down Nimbus's waist line. She struggled against him, but it didn't work.
        "LEAVE HER BE!" Legolas exclaimed.
        He knocked the bow out of the archer's hand, and Beokia stopped the rest of the crew.
        "If you hurt him," Legolas heard Beokia say, "then you will all be beheaded."
        "FOOLS!" Luniar exclaimed.
        "You are the fool!" someone called from the distance.
        "You should know that those from the Fellowship will always watch over each other," another exclaimed.
        "You picked the wrong elf to mess with!"
        The occupants from the Fellowship walked out. Frodo, Merry, Pipin, Aragorn, Sam, and Gimli, each with a nasty look on their face.
        "You better watch yourself, Luniar," Aragorn insisted.
        Sensing danger, Luniar disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Nimbus coughed, and found her way into Legolas's arms. She started to cry and he listened to her quiet sobs. The hobbits approached her carefully.
        "Excuse me Miss," Sam said, "are you okay?"
        Nimbus nodded, her forhead buried into Legolas's shirt. Frodo took another step, and patted her softly on the back. She didn't stop him, so he hugged her.
        "I'm glad you are," he said.
        Beokia cleared his throat.
        "I best be going," he said.
        Nimbus ran up to him and caught him off gaurd, in a hug.
        "Thank you," she said.
        He smiled down at her.
        "Any time Little Sis."
        She smiled and waved as he walked away. Legolas walked up to her and put his arm around her shoulders. He squeezed Nimbus softly.
        "Little Sis?" he asked.
        "He's my brother," she said. "That's why he protected us."
        Legolas found it a little strange, but believed her. There was no reason not to.
        "So, are you two ready for a nice night to make up for a bad day?" Aragorn asked.
        Nimbus nodded.
        "What exactly do you have planned?" Legolas asked.
        Aragorn smiled.
        "You'll have to wait and see."