Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR DUH!

"Nimbus and Legolas"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Eleven

        Silently, the group walk on. They didn't know where they were going, or what they were going to do when they got there, but something drove them on.
        For Legolas, getting Nimbus's shoulder treated was what kept him going. He didn't want to lose her, at least, not now. Not after Nimbus said she was the future Mrs. Greenleaf.
        Nimbus was drivin on for her love of Legolas. She wanted him to stop worrying, and know that she would be okay. Besides, if they were going to get married, she had to live with that. Legolas loved her, that's why he was so protective. Nimbus could live with that.
        Gimli only went on for one reason: he had to watch Legolas and Nimbus. Being with those two made him feel like the big brother, or the overprotective father. He kind of liked it.
        Then there was Arwen. She didn't know why she was going with the group. All she knew was that she would kill who ever touched Aragorn before he died. She didn't care if they touched him with good intentions: they were as good as dead.
        Nimbus sighed suddenly, and frightened everyone.
        "Sorry," she appologized.
        Legolas laced his fingers in with her's and kissed her cheek softly. She smiled, and his lips moved on to her lips.
        Nimbus inhaled everything about Legolas. The way he looked, tasted, smelled, it made her almost crazy. He smelled the mist rising above the forest, and he tasted like a perfectly ripe peach. That was enough to drive any girl temporally insane.
        Legolas loved Nimbus more then she would ever know. He loved the way she fit so perfectly into his arms, and they way she always smelled like wildflowers. She tasted sweet, but she was almost tart, because everytime her lips left his own, that sweetness left, and he felt bitter.
        Arwen eyed the two jealously. Why should they get to love while she was full of dispair? This was not what she wanted.
        Fortunately, Gimli noticed Arwen's sour mood and kept her away from the two love birds.
        "They are in love," he told Arwen. "Just because misfortune has bestowed you, that is no reason to hate a fellow elf."
        Gimli knew that wisdom leaked from what he just said, and he knew those words were not alone, but those of Nimbus and Aragorn combined. Somehow, living with the two of them had changed him for the better.
        Legolas slid his hand up Nimbus's arm, stopping below her hurt shoulder.
        "Let's get you some help," he said.
        Nimbus smiled and nodded.
        "Whatever you want."