Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

"Return Home"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Five: Happy Honeymoon!

        Nimbus and Legolas ran out of the palace and into a stable. Nimbus quickly pulled off her dress, at first Legolas shut his eyes, but then he realized she had clothes on underneath. She pulled the straps of her forest green tank top up her shoulder, kicked off her shows, and jumped on a horse. Legolas had too, worn other clothes beneath his tuxiedo.
        He mounted a horse next to Nimbus and they started to ride off. Arrows shot at the two and Nimbus yelled at Legolas.
        "We need to go to Crystal! She lives about a mile from here!" she exclaimed.
        "Who's Crystal?" Legolas asked.
        "My twin sister!" answered Nimbus.
        "You have a sister?" Legolas inquired.
        Nimbus nodded.
        "She leads a group of warriors outside of the castle grounds! Beokia told me where she was about an hour ago!"
        Legolas and Nimbus squeezed their heels into their horses and took off.

        It took them about ten minutes to reach Nimbus's sister. When Legolas first saw her, he couldn't believe his eyes. She looked just like Nimbus, but somehow, hundreds of years younger.
        "Beokia sent a messanger here," Crystal informed the two. "We've been waiting for you."
        Crystal led the two into a small hut, but to their surprise, it was an underground fortress.
        "We've been waiting for this day," Crystal said. "Some honeymoon huh?"
        Nimbus and Legolas nodded as they put on leather armor.
        "I doubted that Luniar was really dead," Crystal explained, "so I put together my own army. It's an all female group, so I hope you're not offened, Legolas."