"The Return"
by GreenLeaf33


::Legolas and Gimli look through the store::

Gimli ::motioning Legolas over:: : There she is...

::Legolas looking at the sign over top of the section:: : hmmmm.....the DD section....

Gimli: wonder what that stands for....Dungeons and Dragons?

Legolas: Nah, maybe it's Dildos and Dreams

::Gimli stares blankly at Legolas:: :......No.....No we won't even go there......

Gimli: Maybe it's Drugs and Drag Queens....

Legolas ::snaps fingers:: YES!

Gimli ::shivers:: : that means......that.....Lyn's uh.....uh.....

Legolas: NOOOOOOOO!! I've been having an affair with a CROSS DRESSER?!?!?!!? ::lowers head:: why does everything go wrong in my very long immortal life.....

Gimli: Okay, that was some info I could REALLY live without hearing....

Legolas: Oh sorry.....

Gimli: We need the horse bit! Without it, Batmobile is powerless!

Legolas: All right. I'll go frisk her for it...

Gimli: Oh no you don't you frisked the last person

Legolas: Oh yea YOU MOTHER F----------(Technical difficulty screen pops up) ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ ............................................................................ .....poing....

(Thank you for waiting.... and now we're back)

Legolas: fine go ahead

Gimli: heh.....

::Gimli walks up to Lyn::

::Lyn turns around with polar bear claw on:: : Don't chew Extra Polar Ice gum! it will change you......

Gimli: Okay that was bout the lamest commercial ever.....now gimme the horse bit, elf woman.....

Lyn: Teehee! You'll have to come and get it.....::elf woman rushes into the men's dressing room::

Lyn: DOH! :: backs out and runs into the women's dressing room::

Gimli: Holy, nut bunnies! I can't go in there.....::Gimli looks around for security:: hehe O well.....

::Gimli runs into dressing room::

Gimli: oh YEAH!

::Legolas lowers head:: Jeez, I knew it would have to come to this....

::Legolas walks in after Gimli, grabs Gimli by the arm:: down boy!

Legolas: I'm going to get it....

Gimli: You're no fun!

Legolas: C'mon out Lyn!

Lyn: Legolas! ::jumps in Legolas's arms:: You came!

Legolas: give me the keys woman!

Lyn: fine, god you don't have to be so pushy!

Legolas: Thank you.

Legolas (whispers into Lyn's ear): Meet me at the garden.......midnight

Lyn: ::winks:: You know I will!

::Legolas runs out of the dressing room:: mkay got the key!

Gimli: Finally

Legolas: C'mon were gonna miss our show!

Gimli: what time is it??

::Legolas looks at imaginary watch (because they aren't invented yet:: : 2 minutes til 4 o'clock!

Gimli: ::GASP!!!:: Holy Nut BUNNIES! We're gonna miss Oprah!

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What is Legolas planning to do with Lyn at midnight?? ::shivers:: I don't really want to think about it......

Will we realize Merry really isn't that merry!!!????

(Next episode title.but there probably won't be one.who cares! Look for it anyway!)

!!!The Meeting!!!
