Submissions Guidelines

        I need people to submit fics! However, I figured that it'd probably be a good idea to tell all of you how to do this, or else I won't get anything. ;) So here's the most basic, step-by-step proceedure I could come up with:

1. Why should I send you my fics?
        Because you want to be nice to me and help my site get going? OK, how about so people will have a page to go where they can read all about Legolas? You also get more readers the more places you have your stories up on the Internet.

2. What if this site's already contacted me about putting my fic up?
        If I have sent you an e-mail regarding putting up your fic, you only need to do what I said in the e-mail. The rest of these guidelines do not apply to you! However, if I've already put up your first round of fics, and you write more, it may take quite a while for them to get up. I will only hunt down further chapters at If your story is elsewhere, I won't get the latest chapters (unless I've explicitely told you otherwise). So it would probably be a good idea to e-mail me when you get new stuff put up. For those of you with your stories on, I'll eventually get your new chapters, but hunting these down is always one of the last items on my 'to do' list. It would be nice if you could also send me an e-mail when you've got new stuff up, but it's not necessary. ;)

3. What types of fics does this site accept?
        It has to have a decent amount of Legolas in it, or be somewhat Legolas themed. This isn't going to be a library of LotR fiction, but Legolas fiction. However, I'm pretty generous about this. Unless I get something where Legolas' name is mentioned all of once in chapter twelve or something, I'll probably put your fic up.
        I make no judgments whatsoever about whether your fic is 'good enough' to be here, so don't worry. If you submit it, and it meets the guidelines, it gets put up automatically!
        Do I accept slash/adult stories? Mih... This is a loaded question. While I don't care about the rating of fics, a lot of people really do. Given that this is a new site, I think it's probably best to keep it PG-ish for now. However, if you do have stuff that's slash or adult, send me an e-mail letting me know. Who knows where this site will go in the future?
        Can I send things that are really fics per se but are lists/comedies/etc? Sure, why not? As long as they're somewhat Legolas related. If I get really random stuff, it might get put in a different section than the main fan fiction archive, but I'll take whatever you've got at this point.

4. Will you change/edit my fics in any way?
        I'll run a spell and grammar check. Other than that, I leave your stories completely as I get them. Sorry, but I have absolutely no time to edit anything. Remember, I'm an underslept college student with tons of homework!

5. Where should I send my stories? What else should I include?
        Please include all the information below when you submit a fic. I recommend copying the form below and pasting it into your e-mail. Remember, if you send multiple fics, you have to fill out the form multiple times! Send this form, along with your fic, to can delete the extra information in parentheses.

    Story Title:

    Author Name: (or whatever alias you want)

    Author's E-mail Address: (where people should send feedback/comments)

    Brief Description: (nothing too long. Just give a two or three sentence synopsis of your story. If you do not include your own description, I will have to write one for you. Please, save me all this work!)

    What chapters/parts you're sending: (e.g. Introduction & Part One, Chapters 3-5, Book 2, etc.)

    Is the story complete?:

6. OK, so now how do I send my stories?
        First of all, you can just paste them in the e-mail if you want. If you do this, I'll lose things like italics. If you include your story in the e-mail itself, please put an extra line between paragraphs and clearly indicate the division between different parts/chapters. Also, if you're going to send me a lot of stories using this technique, it's probably best to send each story in a separate e-mail.
        Secondly, if your story is somewhere else on the Internet, you can just send me the URL. But please make sure you give me the right address!
        Finally, as far as I know I can read any and all *.txt, *.rtx, and *.html files. I should be able to get *.doc files as well, although they're more likely to come through clean if you use Word like I do. You can send any of these file types as attachments. If, for some reason, your story turns into gibberish when I open it I'll contact you, and we can try to find some way of transmitting it. I really do want to get your fics!

7. Anything else?
        Nope, that's it! Please feel free to send me stories of any kind. If you have any questions, send them to my e-mail at I really want this page to be a success, but only you writers out there can make it happen!