"Legolas and the Lorelei"
by GreenLeaf33

Chapter Three: The Lorelei

        Legolas's breathing turned rapid as he felt around his back for his trusty weapon. He held his bow at ready eye level, preparing to meet the creature stalking him with a good fight. His sensitive ears heard the footsteps turn to the left of him and cease. Maybe the creature had not noticed his presence. It would buy him precious time. Then he heard her. An eerie yet strikingly beautiful melody danced through his ears and entranced his mind. Whatever creature uttered this sound couldn't be all that horrible. The tune flowed through every inch of his elfin body; a waterfall of music rushed through his veins leaving him with the cold tingling sensation he felt when he had awoken from his sleep. His head grew heavy as he felt himself drifting away with this sweet chant. As his mind was fading off into the distance his eye caught the shimmer of something-silvery white to his left.
        "Show yourself or prepare to be met with hostility," Legolas called out in the direction he saw the shimmer of light. The singing only increased, and the elf was able to make out some of the words.
        The creature was singing instead of talking. "I mean you no harm, put down your steady bow and arrow, or I will not yet face you. Come to me Legolas of Mirkwood, come, let me face you."
        He cautiously put down his bow remembering the knife in his boot, incase the creature was performing some form of trickery upon him. Slowly the singing grew louder, and was again in an inaudible language Legolas had never heard.
        From the darkness a silver white shimmer emerged from behind a tree near the elf. The light grew larger, into a slender beam only 2 to 3 inches shorter than Legolas.
        "Creature of light, are you the legend Lorelei? Please do me no harm, I did not wish to intrude," he said not knowing what to expect from the blinding light before him. The beautiful singing abruptly stopped the silence of the forest settling once again.
        The blazing light steadily formed into a female figure. The Lorelei showed her true form to Legolas as she had promised. Standing before him was the most intriguing figure he had ever lain eyes upon. Her skin was slightly tan, yet shimmered with a silver essence from her hair to her toes. Her hair was a tangled mess of brown auburn that seemed to fall perfectly below her shoulders and around her face. The Lorelei was clad in loosely torn silky white clothing. The top was hanging off one shoulder, torn above her abdomen, yet barely revealing the curves hid beneath. The skirt was wound tightly around her waist, swinging in a flowery arc around her lower thighs, yet once again giving Legolas no hint at what shapely form lay inside. Her silver sandals were laced up barely below her knees, and she was sporting white gloves, torn at various places, the tips of the hands were cut off so she could move her fingers freely.
        Then there was her face. When Legolas finished trailing his eyes burning along her form, he caught his breath when they rested upon her face. For she was the most magnificent being he had the privilege to look upon. Although not nearly the most beautiful of her kind, Legolas was fully entranced and felt around for a tree to hold on to before his knees gave way. Her ears were those of elves, however she was not of the sort. Her eyes were large and almond shaped a deep green with long heavy eyelashes adding to her appearance. From the corner of her eyes were silver flames that looked as if they had leaked onto her skin, and her dark eyebrows were arced high in a reserved yet curious way. The Lorelei's nose was straight and centered as it stopped slightly an inch above her lips. Her lips were a crimson red covered in a silvery sheen; her mouth gave off an indication she was trying not to smile. Three metallic strands were woven and hung down over her forehead, coming from above her ears and joining in a triangle between her two eyebrows. For all the tears and tangles upon her, not an inch was faded or stained from the earth, but shone brightly over her. However, the Lorelei had no inkling she was as beautiful as Legolas was depicting her to be, for she was as entranced with him as he was with her.