Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

"Nimbus and Legolas"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Three

        Aragorn waited a minute before he went to talk to Legolas. When he arrived, he saw Nimbus in Legolas's arms. Aragorn hid behind a tree to stay out of their sight.
        "I'm so glad you're mine again, Nimbus," Legolas said.
        Nimbus smiled happily.
        "I don't think I could have lived much longer without you."
        Legolas rubbed Nimbus's back and said something to her that Aragorn couldn't hear.
        "Aren't they cute together?" Aragorn said to no one.
        Legolas perked up. He glared over at the tree.
        "Aragorn, come out, now!"
        Aragorn stepped out from his hiding place. Nimbus smiled at him and he smiled back.
        "I'm glad to see that you two made up," Aragorn said.
        "Thank you," Nimbus said. "Without you, I would still be away from Legolas with a broken heart."
        Aragorn knew from the sound in her voice, that Nimbus was truely happy.
        "I'm going to go get Frodo," he said.
        Nimbus and Legolas nodded, and Aragorn ran away.
        "Why did he get Frodo?" Nimbus asked.
        "I don't know," Legolas answered.
        He ran his fingers up and down her arm softly and made Nimbus smile.
        "I can't wait to tell Frodo!" she exclaimed.
        "I can't either."
        Nimbus pulled away from Legolas and climbed up the tree. She saw Aragorn running towards the Shire, where Frodo lived.
        "How long do you think it will take him?" Nimbus asked.
        "He's not coming back," Legolas said, his face falling grave.
        Nimbus looked ahead of Aragorn. Luniar's army stood there, waiting for the kill. Nimbus got ready to jump out of the tree, but Legolas grabbed her arm.
        "There's nothing we can do now," he said.
        Nimbus felt her face growing hot as she watched the army attack Aragorn. For a second he put up a fight, but he was soon taken down.
        Nimbus started to cry as she saw Luniar throw Aragorn's body thrown aside. Legolas covered her face in his shirt in attempts to muffle her sobs.
        "Luniar's going to pay," she said.
        Legolas was a little nervous, but he wanted to get back at Luniar too. Killing Aragorn was the last straw, but it would take many more people to defeat him. Unfortunatly, there was no way for Nimbus and Legolas to leave the woods for hope. It seemed as though they were doomed to die.
        "I'm scared, Legolas."
        "Don't be. We'll be okay."
        Nimbus nodded, but knew that Legolas thougth the same way she did; they weren't going to be living that much longer.
        "What are we going to do?" Nimbus asked.
        "I'm not sure."