A/N:  Okay…this was the rather horrible story of mine called, rather lamely, The Adventures of Legolas because at the time I couldn’t think up a good title.  Then when I posted it, I realize that it really sucked and needed some reworking.  So this is the new version of it, and I hope you like this one better than the last.

I figured that for once I’d dispense with the typical modern-girl-goes-to-Middle- Earth-and-meets-up-with-the-Fellowship-and-then-falls-in-love-with-a-mutually-
attracted-Legolas (even though I’m writing one of those too out of morbid fascination) I thought I’d do a Legolas-comes-to-Earth-in-modern-times-and-falls- in-love-with-a-mutually-attracted-girl.  Hey-at least it’s slightly different. >:)  This takes place before the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy, and even before the Hobbit, for the sole purpose of allowing me to mess around a bit with the timeline without endangering the whole Quest. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: If they were mine, I’d be super rich, and everything would be perfect.  Since they’re not mine, and I already owe $9000 in student loans for my first year of university, Tolkien and whoever else with any say in the matter needn’t worry.  I’m certainly not making any money off of this.  The characters other than Legolas or any other LotR related characters, are mine however.

So without further ado, I give you,

"Be Careful What You Wish For..."
by Bride of Legolas

Chapter One: Be Careful What You Wish For...


        “They’re noodles David,” Rhiannon said to her little brother.
        “No they’re not,” five-year-old David replied.  “They’re Kraft Dinner.”
        “Yeah.  Noodles.  You can even ask mum, if you want.”
        David huffed and left.  Rhiannon loved her youngest brother dearly, but sometimes he could be trying.  The small argument had lasted for five minutes.  She grinned as she went back to her story.  Typing away, she spun an old childhood fantasy into a set of stories for her ten-year-old cousin.  It wasn’t long before she got up to check on the boiling noodles on the stove.
        Just perfect, she found, but if she had been any longer, she would have found them the right consistency to be wallpaper paste.  Sighing, she went in search of the strainer, only to find that it had vanished again.  Snarling slightly, she dug around for a bit, until she found a bowl and a slotted spoon and set about spooning the noodles into the bowl.  When she had finished, she poured the cheese packets over the whole mess, added the butter and was about to add the milk when she found that they didn’t have any in the house.
        “Bloody hell.”  She grabbed a cup and filled it up at the sink, adding the water to the mixture.  It was going to taste more awful than usual when it was finished, but she doled out some for each of her brothers and called them down to eat.
        Sibling rivalry was the norm amongst her three youngest brothers, adopted by her family along with her youngest sister, Vicky.  Thankfully, though, on threat of not being able to go see the Harry Potter movie, they were behaving wonderfully.  It was a rare day, Rhiannon knew, and she tried to make the most of it.

        Later that day, Rhiannon stood at the smallest window in the attic that she shared as a bedroom with her two younger sisters and watched the sun set behind the houses across the street.  Her day had turned out pretty well.  The boys had behaved, she had gotten much done on her story, and yet she felt a sense of loneliness awake within her.  She couldn’t say why.  Sure, she missed her best friend, now gone back to university far away, and yes she knew that she herself had to return to her own school the day after tomorrow.  But she came home every weekend!  Why was she so lonely?
        Now, standing and watching the sun set on a January evening, she made a wish.  It was a simple wish, really, to find whatever was necessary to make the loneliness go away, and preferably before she returned to school.  Or even to find it at school, it didn’t matter.  Just so long as she found it.  But what she didn’t know was that someone, or rather, something had heard her wish and was about to grant it, slightly out of pity, somewhat out of boredom and mostly in desperation for amusement.  Being omnipotent and immortal can certainly have its downsides.
        This was going to be the most fun that any being had ever had!

        Rhiannon snuggled down into the arms of the one holding her, seeking warmth and comfort.  And the one holding her seemed glad to give it.  She stirred drowsily.  Wait a moment…arms? Holding her?  Where had that come from?  Rhiannon raised her head and looked up at the one holding her.   The scream she let loose could be described as being of glass shattering proportions and woke the man in her bed with a great start.  He looked around wildly for the danger, taking in the change in scenery and eventually looking down at her with wide grey eyes.  He yelled himself, surprised that he had found himself here.
        “Rhiannon?  What’s going on?” a voice called from the other side of the attic.
        “Athena!  Bean, there’s a strange guy in my bed, and I don’t know how he got there!”
        “You’re dreaming, Spooky,” her sister answered as she sat up.  “Oh my god!”
        “I told you,” said Rhiannon, who was now at the other end of her bed from the strange, albeit damned hot, young man.  “Who are you?  How did you get here?”
        “This is a strange dream,” the man said with a musical, if strange, accent.  “I have strayed into a dream that I cannot awake from.”
        “If this is a dream,” Rhiannon began, “then why are you here?”
        “Spooey, that made no sense,” Athena whispered from her side of the room.
        “Shut up!  You wouldn’t be making any sense either if you had just awoken to find yourself in the arms of some guy is green.”
        The young man looked from one girl to the other.  They were ignoring him at the moment.  Perhaps now was as good a time as any get out of this.  He started to move when the girl – Rhiannon? – turned backed to him.
        “Stay where you are,” Rhiannon said, brandishing a thick piece of wood that he hadn’t seen her pick up.  “You’re staying right where you are until you explain yourself.”
        “I am Legolas, son of Thranduil.  I am the Elven Prince of the Mirkwood Forest.  I do not know how I have gotten here, or why, but it must be for some purpose or I would not be here at all.”
        “There damned well better be a good reason for your presence here,” Rhiannon said.  Something seemed to occur to her.  “Prince?”
        “That is correct,” Legolas said quietly, thinking perhaps that this girl would back down now that she knew he was royalty.  Boy was he ever wrong.
        “Well, your highness, care explaining what in the name of Saint Jebebus are you doing here?”  Rhiannon had the faintest idea that at any other given time or place this could be considered to be funny.  She valiantly tried to fix him with what was commonly known as a death glare, and raised her right eyebrow in an attempt to try and not show the shock and fear that she was experiencing.
        Damn, but she’s beautiful, Legolas found himself thinking as he looked at the girl curled up at the other end of the bed with a stick.  Get a grip, Legolas, he admonished himself.  Even if this was just a very strange vision, now was not the time for idle thoughts.  He noticed that the other girl, Athena, had come around to this side of the large room and was standing next to Rhiannon now, with an almost identical look upon her features.  She put her hand on Rhiannon’s shoulder.
        “Calm down, Spooey.   You’re not helping things.”  Legolas silently thanked the blonde girl.
        He took a deep breath.  “As I said, I am Legolas.  The last I remember before your rather painful scream awoke me was that I was camping with my kindred in the Mirkwood while on a quest to hunt an Orc raiding party.  I placed myself into a light trance, and found myself holding a young woman.  Assuming it to be a vision, I didn’t stir until you screamed loud enough to shatter mithrail.” He winced in remembrance.
        Rhiannon watched him wearily, but was visibly calmer.  “Well then.  Do you have any idea how you’re getting back to this Mirkwood?”
        “No, Lady.  I do not even know how I got here.”
        “Then for now, I guess you can stay here.  Be thankful my other sister is staying the night at a friend’s house, or you would have to sleep on the floor.”
        Legolas looked over the side of the bed to where Rhiannon had indicated.  “What floor?” he asked, slightly confused.  He looked back up at Rhiannon who now had a shaky smile on her face.  Her side of the room was quite the mess.
        “It’s alright,” Legolas said as he stood from the young woman’s bed.  “You just go back to sleep.  With luck, this is just all a dream, and I shall awake where I am supposed to be.”
        He smiled at the pair of girls before making his way over to the bed on the far side of the attic.  Stretching out upon it, he watched Athena take the stick from the stunned Rhiannon’s fingers before helping her sister back into bed and before going herself.  He lay down on his back and pulled his cloak about him.  He normally didn’t need sleep, so instead he put himself into the same sleep-like trance that he had been in before he had found himself here.  It was certainly worth a try, though, to see if it would return him back to Middle Earth.  Anything was worth a try.

         The wish granter would have grinned, had it a body.  Instead it simply felt amusement.  Yes, this was turning out better than it had previously thought it would.  Much better.  What was that saying that the girl hadn’t heeded?  Oh yes; be careful what you wish for…

A/N:  Okay.  Wasn’t that sooooooooo much better than my first attempt?  I certainly think so.  Ye Gods that was awful!  I can’t believe I wrote that.  Ah well…like I said in the reviews, the bad writing helps clear the mind for the good.  Thankfully, this is true.  Sorry if I totally offended anyone.