Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

"Nimbus and Legolas"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter Five


        With the help of Gimli, Legolas and Nimbus escaped their forest prison without Luniar knowing. While they were passing threw another patch of woods, Legolas and Nimbus heard bushes moving beside them. The three got ready to fight.
        "Don't worry, it's me," a friendly voice said.
        The elf climbed out of the bushes and hugged Nimbus. She laughed happily and let Beokia hold her.
        "It's nice to see you again," Nimbus said.
        Gimli grunted to make sure that Beokia knew that he wasn't welcome. Legolas glared at Gimli to show him that Beokia was very much welcome among the group.
        "We need to keep moving," Gimli insisted. "We can't let Luniar catch up to us."
        Beokia nodded.
        "It would be best if we went to Rivendell. Luniar is not welcome and has no power there. We must hurry," Beokia insisted.
        Nimbus nodded.
        "If you say so, we have no one else to lead us," Gimli said sarcasticly.
        "Let's go," Legolas said firmly.
        The group started to walk away. Gimli stood by Legolas, and they stayed behind Nimus and Beokia.
        "I don't trust him," Gimli told Legolas.
        "He saved Nimbus and I," Legolas said.
        "How do you know that you can really trust him. Look at Luniar," Gimli insisted.
        "Bad example," Legolas assured.
        "How do you know that Beokia isn't going to lead us into a trap? And steal Nimbus from you?"
        Legolas looked up at Beokia and Nimbus, they seemed comfortable together. Almost too comfortable. Legolas scowled.
        "See?" Gimli said.
        Beokia and Nimbus looked back at them.
        "Hurry up," Beokia ordered.
        Nimbus ran back to Legolas and looked him strait in the eye.
        "Why don't you trust me?" she asked.
        "I do trust you," Legolas insisted.
        "Then why are you listening to Gimli?"
        Nimbus frowned at the dwarf.
        "Why are you trying to turn Legolas against me?" she asked.
        Gimli turned red. He bowed for Nimbus.
        "I'm sorry. I let my thoughts get the best of me."
        "Yes, you did. Please don't let it happen again," Nimbus said.
        She held Legolas hand and kissed his cheek softly. Legolas kissed Nimbus's neck and they continued walking.
        "I wonder if Arwen remembers me..." Nimbus said to no one.