AN: READ THIS!!! This story takes place long ago, and I've involved magic. The words I use are made up, but you will find out what I mean. I've changed some things, but included all of the Fellowship and some more. Don't get too freaked out, It's a long story and deals with some serious situations. If this bothers you. Don't read it. If it's to confusing for you, don't read it.

With my stories, you have to think a little deeper. O_o


Earth: Fanteore
Air: Winzar
Fire/Ice: Flaydrix
Water: Aquisan
Light: Delana
Storm: Darunis
Healing: Lifana
Holy: Blymur
Electricity: Shaxen
Ice: Frezar
Mind: Gurashi
Fire: Raifal

by GreenLeaf33

Part Four: War's Submission

        Legolas gently pulled his new bride from the castle chapel, sensing her inability to think clearly.
        His mind ravaged her, as he deliriously declared ownership of the lovely vision before him.
        The need to posses her was the most strong and sudden thing ever to happen to him.
        In a land where the strongest prevailed, and the weak die, Legolas had never had time for the soft emotions this elf girl aroused within him.
        Surely she was a witch...No...As he looked at her, clothed in an ivory gown, her beautiful auburn hair spilling around her shoulders in rich, flowery radiance, she was an angel...
        She turned bewildered eyes to him, and he almost staggered at the pain he saw.
        "I cannot believe you would do this." She whispered, and Legolas frowned.
        "I have need of an heir, and you are very beautiful."
        She looked away. "Many women are."
        His blue eyes narrowed. "I will have no others."
        She stepped away, her shoulders hunched at his harsh tone.
        "Is this the way I am to live? In a loveless marriage because my husband wanted me upon a whim?"
        Legolas tilted her chin, staring into eyes the color of spring leaves.
        "You look at me in such a way, wife. I cannot help but believe you feel for me."
        Lyana turned her head, tears filling her eyes.
        "I cannot deny I am attracted to you. You make me feel things...I never thought possible...And you stir things within my soul...But you are cold, heartless..."
        Legolas shook his blue head, lowering his mouth to hers, gently.
        "Nay, I have a heart. And it aches when I look at you...Longs to be near you...Wants to absorb your light...I have a heart, Milady Greenleaf, and you're stealing it even now."
        Abruptly, he turned and strode from the room, leaving a stunned new bride in his wide, empty bedchamber.
        "Lady Lyana! What is the matter?"
        Came the anxious voice of the joyful Lady Arwen. Bitterly, Lyana eyed her friend. Over the past several weeks, everyone had caught word of the happiness evident in the stoic Aragorn's face, and the equally joyous one of his Lady.
        Arwen was in love. Aragorn was in love.
        It was not fair! How she ached to be embraced with gentle arms, kissed softly by gentle lips...
        She blushed as her traitorous heart threw images of herself in her 'husbands' embrace.
        Yes, he was gentle, yes he was passionate, but he did not love her.
        The thought sent shards of agony down her spine, and she felt tears fall.
        "Surely, Milady..." whispered Arwen. "It cannot all be so sad..."
        Lyana's eyes raised to the pensive gaze of the other.
        "So you know." She stated, and the girl bowed her silken head.
        "Aye. I know you have been wed to the Lord Greenleaf."
        The once proud general swiped away her tears, seeking to attain some dignity.
        "I shan't weep, for my fate has been chosen. I am wed to a man who will never love me."
        Arwen wrapped an arm round the girl, who stared dimly into space.
        A sudden knock on the door startled the girls, and the chamber door opened.
        It was the maid, Cerebris.
        "Beggin' yer pardon, mum. But milord would be seein' ye in the study."
        Lyana stood proudly, a defiant tilt in her chin at the summons of the man causing her such grief.
        "Say he what he wants?" Queried his wife.
        "Nay, mum. Milord jus' say he be wantin' ye in the study, so's I was to get ye."
        Lyana nodded, and left the room.
        Legolas Greenleaf sat in the dark, cold enclosure of the study, lonely beyond his understanding.
        'Tis the fallen angel.' He mused 'She has cast a spell upon my heart...'
        A knock sounded, and he barked an entry. Aware of who it was.
        "You summoned me, milord?"
        His wife stood in the center of the dim room, basked in the muted glow of the sun, which insisted on sneaking through the burgundy drapes by the bayside window.
        She looked ethereal. Her pastel turquoise gown flowing over her smooth body like rain over sand.
        "I have called you here, because I have almost forgotten your face." Legolas softly laughed, and his cold wife stepped closer.
        "You are drunk, milord." Her haughty voice accused, and it angered the Dark Lord.
        "Nay, not upon brandy nor whisky..." He slurred slightly, standing up.
        His height dwarfed her own even as he staggered around the desk, coming to an abrupt, tilting stop before her. "Not on wine nor ale, but upon loneliness."
        Lyana looked away, "I know not of what you speak."
        Legolas grabbed her sleekly toned arm, blood rushing through him at the jarring contact.
        "You have not come to see me, for two weeks since the wedding, elf," he bit out sadly, and his young wife searched his open face, amazed at the pain there.
        "Nay, milord. 'Tis you who has not been to see me."
        Legolas chuckled self deprecatingly, turning slightly glowing azure eyes to the ceiling.
        "Then it seems we have both been damned fools, waiting for the other."
        The Dark Lord looked back at his confused new bride, lust flaring.
        "I waited for you, Lyana. I waited a long time for you."
        Lyana kept her hands by her sides, as his own roamed over her body. Sensations fell through her, and she drew in a shaky breath, her knees weak.
        "I waited for you, since before I knew who you were." Legolas's husky voice, muddled by liquor, sent tingles across her body. "S-sir, I do not understand..."
        Legolas sighed, and Lyana could smell the rich brandy upon his breath, and was intoxicated by it. By him.
        "See you not, girl? I have waited my entire life for you...The moment you took off that damned silver helmet, a part of me knew who you were. What you would become..."
        Lyana licked her lips, Legolas's eyes followed the motion hungrily.
        "W-what have I b-become, Milord?"
        Legolas's lips hovered a scant inch above the girls, and his warm breath caressed her cheeks.
        "My beloved." He whispered, before closing the distance.
        Lyana absorbed his words as she absorbed his pain. His warm hands slowly, fumblingly, unclasped the latched on her gown, sliding it down her heated body.
        "Nay, Legolas. You speak of nothing!" She gasped, as his mouth touched her collarbone.
        "Milady wife...I speak of everything..."
        Legolas slid her to the floor...
        When Lord Legolas awoke, he found himself pillowed against the soft skin of his very naked, very alluring wife.
        He tried to lift his head, but lances of pain shot bright lights shooting behind his closed lids, and he sank back painfully.
        Ah aye, he remembered 'I was as sotted as a sheltered dandy in a ale house.'
        Carefully, he tried to remember how he came to be in the welcoming embrace of his fallen angel, and how she came to be deliciously bare.
        Glimpses of his wanton wife, or snatches of conversation haunted him,
        'You are drunk milord'
        'Not upon wine nor ale, but upon loneliness...'
        'I waited for you Lyana. I waited a long time for you.'
        'I have waited my entire life for you...'
        'W-what have I b-become, Milord?'
        'My beloved...'
        So it was all out. Like the crashing waves eroding the gleaming sand, his wife's mere presence had unwittingly broken past the shadows in his heart...And now she new.
        He raised a hand to his temple, warding away the pain, as he wondered how she would use it.
        Would she use it as a weapon? Or would she be with him?
        "Legolas?" Came the sleepy whisper of the maiden who embraced him.
        "I am here, Lyana." He said gently, and the elf yawned.
        "Is everything alright?" She murmured, and Legolas realized that she would not hurt him with his love for her.
        "Nay, elf. For I have a dreadful hangover."
        She laughed softly, soothing him as she stroked his mussed, blonde hair.
        "T'would serve you well to remember this pain, Milord. For alcohol is an evil mistress."
        Legolas smiled, his black heart lifting till it shone with brightness.
        "Nay, call me not 'milord' but call me Legolas...I liked the sound upon your lips."
        Lyana giggled shyly, as she tried to separate the Dark Elf from the boyish youth. It came as a shock when she realized that they were all parts of the same puzzle. Legolas Greenleaf, leader of the Flaydrix, and almost an entire world, was a boy trapped in a barbarian's armor.
        "Alright Legolas...Do you remember anything of last eve?"
        Legolas kissed her neck, sending a shiver down her spine.
        "Aye, beloved. I remember all..."

        The missives had been sent quickly, and were returned equally fast.
        The united kingdoms of Raifal, Darunis and Shaxen, now of the empire Flaydrix, sat in the Battle room, the prisoners and comrades before them.
        "As we all know, Lord Elrond's Fire kingdom, Lord Gimli's Storm Kingdom, and Pippin's Lightening kingdom are behind Flaydrix. Missives were sent to the neighboring Kingdoms, suggesting an alliance as the war draws near its end. As lord of the Flaydrix Empire, I would have all the Kingdoms with me, not against me, for the good of this world.
        As of such, the answers to the requested alliances are held in my hands. I have brought you all here to witness the answers."
        Legolas looked at his wife, her jade eyes wide and worried, he smiled his reassurance, before turning to the stoic Aragorn, who held the hand of his lost Lady Arwen.
        "First reply, sent from the Lifana Kingdom of Healing." His blue eyes glowed as he read the script.
        "Aye. They will join Flaydrix." A cheer went up, and Lady Eowyn turned into the comforting embrace of her husband, both relieved, and disappointed by her parent's decision.
        "The Kingdom of Fanteore, accepts. And will join." Stated Legolas, and the Lady Arwen smiled happily, turning to Aragorn.
        "Now, love. We are not enemies...
        Legolas cleared his throat, looking at his first Knight, and best friend.
        "The Water Kingdom Aquisan, accepts, but wished to see their son. They journey here as we speak."
        Aragorn grinned, embracing Arwen, and burying his face in her soft hair.
        "The Air Kingdom, Winzar. Accepts."
        Lyana's eyes filled with tears, and Legolas's heart grew heavy, until she smiled and whispered to him. "The war will be over, and we can be happy!"
        Legolas smiled gently. "I have sent another missive, informing your parents of our nuptials. They may not be so pleased at that."
        Lyana's face turned serious. "Then they will have to accept my happiness, and the peace you offer."
        Turning to the group, Legolas held up his hand for silence.
        "With the allied kingdoms, all that is left is Lord Frodo's Delana Kingdom, and his brother, Lord Boromirs Ice Kingdom." He looked away, to his new wife. "I have sent a peace missive to the Ice Kingdom. I grow weary of this hell. My men die by the thousands, because neither Frodo nor myself, will admit defeat. I would settle down, and begin this life anew." He looked at Aragorn and Arwen, or Elrond and Eowyn. "I feel you would like the same. But we must try to persuade the remaining Light Army of the peace and well being we offer. It is time the War of Sin seeked redemption..."

1 Week later

        General Frodo, had journeyed across the land, a small entourage of Light soldiers with him. With heavy heart, he sought the only course short of defeat. All was lost, even his fellow leader had allied with the Flaydrix. He knew the only way to hurt the new empire.
        The assassination of the Dark Lord Legolas Greenleaf.
        In his sights was the Castle Enfain. In his heart was the knowledge that what he sought was wrong.
        Even as he slit the throat of a sentinel, even as he scaled the heavy seaside walls.
        He knew what he did was wrong.
        Legolas laughed as Aragorn's parents regaled him with a story of their young son and the young Lady Arwen.
        They painted a vivid picture of a youth obviously, painfully enamored, and a naïve girl with the innocence of a cherub.
        After a tearful reunion with their once dead son, and news of his impending marriage to the daughter of the Fanteore kingdom, all was set right in the Aquisan Kingdom.
        "I bid you goodnight, Lord Torin, Lady Mary. I shall see you in come the morn."
        They left his chambers, and Legolas turned to his desk. Rifling through his papers, he addressed the air.
        "I suggest you remove your foul self from my castle, General Frodo, before I take it upon myself to do it for you."
        Angrily, Frodo emerged from behind the curtains, his face enraged.
        Legolas turned, looking the disheveled man up and down.
        "Next time you decide to assassinate me, make sure you are quieter in the coming."
        The Dark Lord drew his bow, but his face was weary.
        "I will not fight you, Frodo." The arrow fell from limp fingers.
        "Bastard! Draw your weapon!" Screamed the hobbit, but Legolas would not.
        "Nay good sir. I am married now. I am happy. The kingdom is happy. Delana has lost."
        Frodo stepped closer to Legolas, his stance menacing.
        "I heard that you forced the general into bed, as well as to the priest-"
        "Nay!" General Lyana suddenly stood in front of Frodo, fully clad in her armor, her sword parried her old comrade. "You shall not kill this elf!"
        The brunette's blue eyes snapped with fury, and he clanged his metal against hers. "What! Seek you to save the life of that who is our enemy?!"
        Lyana shook her head, pleading. "Nay, Frodo! My enemy no more. Legolas is my husband, and I love him!"
        Frodo glowered shaking his head. "Traitor. Love has weakened you." He spat, and Lyana took a step backwards.
        "Nay! Traitor I am not! All Kingdoms except Delana are a part of Flaydrix now, and are better for it!"
        The Light General bared his teeth, and in a quick movement, divested Lyana of her sword.
        "Bitch! I thought you my fri-"
        "Thunder Wing!"
        A sudden explosion of lightening sent Frodo slamming against the stone wall.
        "Lightening Cage!" A sparking enclosure quickly encased the blonde in bars of lightening, and he struggled dazedly to get out.
        Pippin stood in the doorway, his face sad. "The general will-"
        A shout rang out, and a regiment of about 15 soldiers suddenly poured through the windows and behind drapes.
        Legolas stepped forward, roaring for them to stop, but they would not listen.
        Lyana was hit in the face, and her anger exploded.
        "Hurricane Gale!" Her most deadly attack blew the man who had hit her right apart in a gory explosion, and Legolas looked at her, surprised.
        Another solider came at him, sword over head, and Legolas let out a cry.
        "Decimation Inferno!" About six men in the close vicinity breathed their last in a split second as a roaring blaze burnt them to ashes.
        "Chasing Destruction!"
        Legolas was suddenly thrown back summoning his Flaydrix shield, as General Frodo's attack came through the bars.
        "Glacier Storm!" Shouted Legolas, quickly dispersing the remaining soldiers as they were obliterated.
        Frodo, enraged, threw another attack. His most deadly.
        "Glowing Mantra!"
        "Lightening Genocide!"
        The attacks collided, destroying each other, but the furious hobbit summoned the last of his mana, trying one more time.
        "Glowing Mantra!" This time, the attack was aimed at Lyana.
        "Sand Tempest!"
        "Tsunami Destruction!"
        The combined attacks of Aragorn, and Gimli, shattered the generals, and struck him, rendering him unconscious.
        The fight was over.
        "L-Legolas...Do not kill him." Lyana wearily pleaded with her husband, who stood of the prone form, the cage fading. "His friends.Sam Gamgee, Lord Boromir, Merry...they would die..."
        Legolas nodded, and Gimli hefted the brunette onto his shoulders. "I shall put him in the dungeon until he is willing to talk, milord."
        Legolas nodded, waving him off, and turned to Aragorn and the remaining hobbit. "How did you know?" He asked, and Pippin stepped forward.
        "It is my duty to know all that happens within Enfain walls, milord..."
        Aragorn put a worried hand on Legolas's shoulder.
        "You are a fool. You knew Frodo would strike. I followed Lyana when I saw she had on her armor..."
        The copper haired girl nodded, smiling at her husband. "I was training with Lady Arwen...I knew something was amiss, and I was right."
        The Dark Lord reached to her cheek, where already a bruise was forming.
        "Peace, my beloved, will always come with a price..."

Epilogue/Tranquil After

        It was a long, hard war for the Kingdoms of Delana and Flaydrix, and that of those captured in between.
        But though it seemed darkness had prevailed in the end, was it not really light that won?
        The empire Flaydrix, prospered mightily, when Delana fell.
        Lord Legolas Greenleaf, with his wife Lady Lyana, governed the Flaydrix Empire with a fair and gentle hand. Lady Lyana bore a son before the year was out, and The Dark Lord at last was complete, he had found his light in the darkness.
        General Frodo Baggins was returned to Castle Tarquin, where he was reunited with his friends after much worry.
        Accepting the Flaydrix rule was the hardest thing for the proud Light warrior, but Sam, Boromir, and Merry showed him the truth of the defeat.
        Aragorn was married to his lost lover, Lady Arwen, and upon his parents death, ruled the Aquisan Kingdom, his love by his side.
        Pippen stayed beside his Lord, his loyalty never wavering, even as he ruled the Shaxen Kingdom.
        Lord Gimli, Sergeant of the Flaydrix army, leader of the Darunis Kingdom, was promoted to General, for his bravery during the War of Sin. His son grew to marry the daughter of Legolas Greenleaf, and thus he was content.
        Lord Elrond and Lady Eowyn, united the Fire and Healing Kingdoms upon their parents death, to form the Kingdom of Brodin.
        Lord Boromir grew to become friends with the Flaydrix ruler, and accepted the loss of Lady Arwen, upon witnessing the love of the Aquisan Lord and his wife. His son grew to be a loyal knight, and fell in love with the daughter of the Kingdom of Brodin.
        Lady Arwen, bore a son and a daughter to her husband, and ruled the Fanteore Kingdom with a good and just government.
        Priest Gandalf continued to practice and meditate within the Gurashi monasteries, waiting for the next generation to call upon his aid...

        Winzar Winds fan the Flaydrix Fire, and melt the Flaydrix Ice
        "How long will you love me?"
        "Until the stars burn out of the heavens, and fall upon my palm."
        "How long will you be with me?"
        "I will be with you until the Light in my heart fades, for without that light, I am nothing."
        "Then I will be your light in the darkness..."
        "Will you stay with me for just as long?"
        Fanteore flowers grow by Aquisan fountains
        "Is this all you ever wanted?"
        "This is all I ever dreamed..."
        "Will you leave me again? My fear grows with me..."
        "You know death is to leave you..."
        "Reassure me! I am not as strong as you!"
        "You jest, as surely as you want this kiss..."
        "Aye, I jest...But you had best make me sure, just in case..."
        "Vixen! But I am ever happy to oblige..."
        Delana light strengthens in the Blymur comfort.
        "Fear not, friend, for I am here..."
        "I knew what I did was wrong..."
        "You have a life to atone for the sin...Is that not enough?"
        "A life with friends as you...Is more then I deserve..."
        "Then cherish your gifts, as I cherish mine..."
        "I am no gift...But a curse."
        "Let me be the judge of that my Lord, for we shall see this through..."
        Raifel flames seek to assuage the pain of Lifana
        "Will you ever forgive me?"
        "You were forgiven long ago..."
        "Do you really believe that?"
        "Of course! I love you!"
        "But is love enough?"
        "It will be, if you give it time..."
        "I would give you all the time in Flaydrix, if it meant your forgiveness..."
        "I will only take this moment, and that is enough for me..."
        The Darusian Storm calms his little Tempest.
        "Hush child, your father is here."
        "Father! I dreamt of a bloodied field, and a dark man cloaked in fire!"
        "Child! You dream of a war long past..."
        "Will it begin again, father"
        "Nay, my boy, the man you saw is a good man and keeps the peace..."
        "Then why was he so black and shadowed?"
        "He had weathered many storms, before he was able to shine..."
        "Did you help him, father?"
        "Yes child...He is my friend, and we fought the war together..."
        Frezar Ice cools the cracking glacier.
        "Calm yourself son! I cannot hear should you speak so quickly!"
        "But father, she was the most beautiful creature I have ever seen!"
        "And how many have you seen, son?"
        "Enough to judge beauty!"
        "Ah, son, there is much for you to learn of women..."
        "Then teach me, I would know all you have to say!"
        "Well for one, they do not like that kind of talk..."
        "She is the daughter of the Kingdom of Brodin!"
        "What say you? Do you love her, or her wealth!"
        "Then I shall teach you all I know..."
        Shaxen Lightening finds frustration in his text.
        'Tis a sorry state I am in...'
        'That I need to find myself in my books...'
        'Mayhap it is time I sought a bride...'
        'Bah! Women only cause trouble!'
        'Look at Lord Greenleaf! Or Lord Aragorn...'
        '...Mayhap it's time I sought a bride...'
        Gurashi knowledge feels the future.
        "Come closer, pupil, and here me speak."
        "Yes, Gandalf?"
        "What say you of the years to come?"
        "I know not of them..."
        "Ah, mayhap you are safer because of it..."
        "What! Is their more war to come!"
        "One cannot say, pupil. One only feels..."
        "Must you always speak with such nonsense!"
        "Rude child! Disrespectful student!"
        "But it is well, questions lead to answers..."
        "Then you will not speak with riddles, anymore?"
        "Bah! Not a chance! I speak riddles for you to figure out! What use is an idle mind..."
        "Shall the future be so bleak as thou foreshadows?"
        "The time will come, when my guidance shall be sought, and only then shall you know..."

The End