A/N: I am sorry!!!! My characters are not cooperating, and it took me forever to get this written. It is also VERY short, and for that I am EXTREMELY sorry!! I will get a nice, long, juicy chapter up as soon as I can! Thank you for your patience! **AS**

"Love Never Loses Hope"
by ArwenStar914

Chapter 8: Return to Dol Guldur

        Legolas peered out from among the trees, his grey eyes hard with hate. They had reached Dol Guldur.
        Their journey had been swift and silent, for Legolas had rarely spoken and Thindolfin would not force him to speak. Now they hid in the trees high above Dol Guldur's walls, Orcs moving about below them like ants on an anthill.
        "Their guard has increased since we were last here," Thindolfin said quietly as he crouched on a branch beside Legolas.
        The prince said nothing, but his keen eyes quickly saw that what the older Elf said was true. Of course that could just be because of the battle, Legolas thought dismally.
        The Orcs had stopped searching the woods for Aiwë, but their master's fury was still strong. Never had one of his prisoners escaped, especially an Elf. The walls were now thick with guards, but through some odd twist of fate, the hole in the South wall was still open. Thindolfin saw it from the North wall, but it seemed no more than a crack. Still... The Elf slipped silently through the trees, Legolas right behind him.
        Suddenly Thindolfin stopped and Legolas almost ran into him. "What is it?" the prince asked.
        "By my bow..." Thindolfin murmured.
        Legolas looked at him quizzically, and the Elf pointed to the wall. Legolas saw what had surprised him, and he was surprised as well. There was a hole in the wall, not large, but wide enough for an Elf to get through. Before Thindolfin could stop him, Legolas dropped to the ground and slipped up to the crack. Elf prints are almost none existent, but the ground by the crack had been muddy the day Aiwë escaped, and there was a clear print left in the dried mud. Legolas climbed back up to Thindolfin faster than he had ever climbed in his life.
        "You were right! She escaped!" he whispered excitedly.
        Thindolfin grinned. "I knew she would never stand to be a prisoner. How old is the print?"
        Legolas' smile faded. "Three weeks, probably more." Legolas sat quietly for a few minutes, then he murmured, "We have no chance of catching up to her, do we?"
        Thindolfin shook his head, and tears welled up in the Elf prince's eyes. "Why? Why did she not come back?"
        "We do not know what happened to her after she was captured," Thindolfin said gently. "She has probably gone to seek refuge in Lothlórien or the Grey Havens. Do not worry, Legolas. She is alive, and you will see her again."
        Legolas wiped a hand across his eyes. He wanted to see Aiwë more than anything, but he knew he could not go after her. He also knew he would see her again, but when? Legolas sighed. The important thing is that she is alive, he reminded himself. I just hope she knows I am okay...

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