"Welcome to My World"
By Sitrine Topaz

Chapter 3: ‘Guilty By Association’- Linkin Park

        ‘I wanna run away, never say good bye, I wanna know the truth, instead of wondrin’ why, I wanna know the answers, no more lies, I wanna shut the door, and open up my mind.’
        A sudden buzzing filled the ears of one Leonardo Thranduil. He groaned, wordlessly slapping the alarm clock off the nightstand, effectively shutting it down.
        “Leonardo! Get down here for school or you’ll be late again!” That got Leo’s sleepy attention. He sat up, rubbing sleep from his bright green eyes. “Leonardo!”
        “Oh, will you bloody wait a minute, mum!” Cautiously he stretched, feeling an unfamiliar cramp where his hips met his legs. “Damn growth spurts.” He grumbled, standing up. For a split second he felt almost, confused… but then shook it off. “Note to self: never study till one in the bloody morning for a midterm.”
        After Leo dressed, which was in his normal baggy, ratty jeans and a t- shirt, he darted down stairs. He walked into the kitchen, yawning noisily. The sound of breaking glass caught his attention.
        “Mum, you al’ight?” His mother was staring at him, looking almost wistful. “Mum?” Suddenly she shook her head, seemingly coming out of her spell.
        “I’m fine, Leo, just… you certainly got taller. And thinner. What did you do last night, stretch yourself on a rack?” He gave a half hearted smile and sat down at the table, nibbling on a piece of toast. “And don’t you comb your hair?” He jerked his long, blonde hair from her grasp as he stood, shaking it over his shoulder.
        “Yes, mum, but you always mess it up. Now, I gotta go. I’m supposed to meet up with Kat, Janine, Geri and Blossom today.” He gave her another smile as he darted out the door. “We’re gonna go see that Tolkien movie today.” His mother watched him, frowning slightly as he darted out to catch the bus.
        “Has he come into his memory yet?” She let out a startled scream as the voice spoke, seemingly coming from nowhere. She turned to face an older man with a gray beard behind her. She tried to smile.
        “No, Mithrandir. Not yet. What if he isn’t… you know who?” The man smiled, his bright blue eyes shinning.
        “He is, he is. Only the crowned prince would have an aura like his own.”

        “’ey! You lousy birds, wait up!” Kat spun around, facing one of her best friends as he ran up, his blonde hair caught in the wind. Janine chuckled next to her, tossing her brown hair aside. Kat tucked a strand of her fuchsia hair behind her ear; it had come undone from the tiny buns that were all over. “Aye, you’ll be the death of me. So, what exams do we have today?” Kat laughed as Janine smirked. “What?”
        “It’s Saturday, Leo. This is New York. We don’t have school on Saturdays.” Leo felt his face tinge red as the two girls smirked. “So, woke up in British time again?”
        “You don’t know the half of it.” HE grumbled, deciding to sit down in the middle of the sidewalk. “I grew 3 more bloody inches, and my hair got longer too. I mean, come on. I can understand a growth spurt but this is ridicules.” Janine smiled and let a hand drop to his shoulder.
        “Leo, it’s cool. People are all different. You especially.” That sent the girls into another fit of laughter while Leo just pouted.
        “Damn birds.”