A/N: I am pondering writing a separate story about Aglarmîr and Dînen, but I don't want to write it and have no one read it. So, if I posted a story about Aglarmîr and Dînen (I promise it will be cute and good) would you read it? Please put it in your review. =) On with the story! **AS**

"Love Never Loses Hope"
by ArwenStar914

Chapter 7: Recovering What Was Lost

        "Why did I call you Rusc?" Aiwë asked, taking a bite of lembas.
        The two Elves had begun talking shortly after Aiwë had woken Luingil, and the sun was just beginning to show her head.
        "You called me Rusc because I was always up to something," Luingil said with a grin. "And I called you Gwath because you had this odd ability to disappear into the shadows, or to appear to be no more than a shadow yourself. That is hard even for an Elf."
        Aiwë did not reply, but sat thinking about all they had discussed. From what they could piece together, when the Orcs had attacked, Luingil and Aiwë had run in opposite directions. Aiwë being a few decades Luingil's senior had managed to make it to Thranduil's halls. There she told them what had happened, but by the time the Elves reached the battlefield, Luingil and the Dúnedain had already left.
        Aiwë glanced at her brother. He reminded her of their father. As did Thindolfin, Aiwë thought sadly. I suppose that is why I found it so easy to call him Ada.
        "Well, Gwath, we should start traveling if we wish to reach Gondor before the food runs out," said Luingil, rising to his feet.
        "Ha, then I suggest you start eating less, Rusc!" Aiwë teased, getting to her feet as well.
        The siblings set off again, talking and laughing as they went. It was the first time Aiwë had laughed since being captured by the Orcs.


        Legolas stood on his balcony, staring listlessly at the forest. His wound had healed, but he would bear an ugly scar for the rest of his life.
        Thindolfin and Thranduil watched Legolas from another balcony, concealed from the prince's sight by a group of trees.
        "I am worried about him," Thranduil said, glancing up at his son. "Elves can die of broken hearts, and I fear his is shattered."
        Thindolfin sighed and shook his head. "I do not believe he will die. If he was going to give up he would have never made it back. No, he will not die, at least not of a broken heart."
        "Even so, he has lost much of his joy, and I fear he will never be the same," Thranduil said sadly.
        Thindolfin was silent for a moment, gazing at the prince. "Your Majesty, I would like to go back to Dol Guldur, and I wish to bring Legolas with me."
        Thranduil looked at Thindolfin as if the Elf had asked if he could fly. "Are you mad?" the King asked in disbelief. "You two almost died there a month ago, and now you wish to return? For what purpose?"
        "I do not believe Aiwë is dead, nor do I believe she is still at Dol Guldur," Thindolfin said firmly. "Aiwë escaped, I am sure of it, and if I can prove that to Legolas he may come out of his depression."
        "And what if you are wrong?" Thranduil replied. "Will that not make him worse than he is now? And what if she has escaped? He will want to go after her, and you know that is not possible."
        "I know my lord," Thindolfin replied, "but at least he will know for sure either way. I think most of his unhappiness is do to doubt over whether she is alive or dead, prisoner or free. And if she has escaped, she will go to the Grey Havens. At least that is what most Elves do after escaping from Orcs. She will wait for Legolas there, and perhaps he will be content to stay in the forest a while longer."
        Thranduil was silent for a few minutes, gazing quietly at his son. "You assume much, my friend," he said at last. "But I have learned to trust your judgment, and I seem to be out of options. I fear you are right, and Legolas will only heal completely when he knows what has become of her." Thranduil paused and sighed, rubbing a hand across his weary brow. "You and Legolas may go back to Dol Guldur."

Kinda short I know, but please review anyway. Things will pick up pace next chapter. **holds out cookie plate** And please don't forget to tell me if you think I should write the tale of Aiwë's parents! **ArwenStar**