**No I don't own Lord of the Rings or any of the characters.or do i.hah there's something to think about..JK, EXCEPT the forest and LYNIA. Those are MINE.**

"Legolas and the Lorelei"
by GreenLeaf33

Chapter One: The Journey

        When I saw you I found you
        When I found you I knew you
        When I knew you I loved you
        When I loved you I lost.

        Legolas sang the scattered tune to a song he once remembered quietly under his breath. The silence surrounding them, Gimli had faintly picked up a few bars of his companion's poem. "What's that you're singing there? A love song? I didn't know you knew anything about love Legolas," he teased, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.
        "Ah, friend after hundreds of years immortality does not seem as great a gift when you're forever lonely," the slender elf replied, his voice sounding of a sweet music Gimli couldn't put his finger on.
        The dwarf slowed down his horse to the pace of his fellow companion. He casually glanced at the face of the rider next to him seeing his once sparkling blue eyes were now a cold gray and filled with forlorn.
        Gimli sensed he was infringing on a private subject and let himself take in the surroundings instead. The horses were easily trotting along a grassy path; a canopy of leaves lingered above the heads of the two fellowship members. The sun told of midday, beating harshly down upon the earth leaving no refuge underneath the trees. The sky was a clear blue foretelling of no storm to come, and the rushing of a creek to their distant left told them they were in no danger of dehydration.
        The next few hours passed in silence for both travelers, one in a cautious mindset, the other in deep thought. Gimli was the first to disrupt the atmosphere. "Aragon told us he would be meeting us in Rivendell, but there's no way we will be able to reach the haven 'til tomorrow, less we travel through night."
        "You're right my friend, the sun has already begun to set, yet the only refuge within miles is the forest of Eurychidya. It may be best to find a more suitable place, the risk is immense in such woodland." answered Legolas in a wary voice.
        "Aye, ye got nothing to fear. Not a creature would dare cross a dwarf with an axe, especially not this one. Besides, the tales of these woods were only rumored and used as bedtime stories to scare off strangers like us. None were actually proven to be true, mind you," replied Gimli sounding fully sure of himself.
        The elf however was not as trusting. He knew Gimli often thought himself a lot more powerful than others did. Even if his might was to be true, the forest was still not a safe space. The fellow next to him claimed that the creatures were myth, yet that's what he thought elves were before he met the living breathing one riding along side him. The tales his father had warned him were of the creatures called Lorelei that inhabited the dark woods, playing with the minds of lost travelers, losing them, torturing them and wasting them away. The dwarf, however, was not to be persuaded. They headed toward the edge of Eurychidya, as steadily as the setting sun. Legolas's hand remained firmly on the edge of his bow, the nervous sweat causing his grasp to turn slippery. He cast a sidelong glance at Gimli happily singing a mountain song next to him, and prepared himself for the long night ahead.

***Yes it WILL get better I promise!!***