"Wooded Fear and Hidden Darkness"
by Sitrine Topaz

Chapter Five


        The wind blew gently, ruffling manes and hair, causing momentary blindness through the flittering strands. Legolas had almost forgotten about the wind. Deep within the forests of Mirkwood, the trees deflected the winds, allowing only the slightest of breezes. But now, almost half way to Imladris, to Rivendell, the trees let the creatures fend for themselves. His green eyes flickered left then right, checking on the other members of the small group. Gandalf was a bit a head, not seeming to move on his gray horse, Shadowfax. Angelonus was obviously not used to riding Elvin- he relied on human saddle and reigns and was not comfortable with the simple rope. His horse, Nibin, seemed to know of Angel’s fear for he continuously tried to scrape off his Elvin rider on braches. Nazglas seemed a bit more at ease then her brother, but it was only because Elmare, her mare, was a kind horse. Legolas’s own Arod pranced lightly beside Elmare and separated her from Nibin. He had to chuckle at the names; Nibin was indeed petty… and the one riding Elmare was rapture.
        “Alright, alright! Bloody ‘ell, knock it off!” Angel yelled as, yet again, Nibin wandered over towards the trees to scrape him off. Legolas chuckled and whistled shrilly. Nibin looked towards him.
        “Tula sinome.” The horse strode up beside Arod, looking up at Legolas. “Stop that.” Nibin whinnied and tried to pull off, bring Angel with him. A flash of something dark flickered through the horse’s eyes. “Uh oh.” Gandalf stopped Shadowfax and turned to see what the commotion was.
        “ 'Uh oh’ is correct.” Before he could voice another command, Nibin bolted across the clearing. Legolas urged Arod after him. Both Elvin horses were fast and strong, but Arod had more experience in the need for speed, mostly form encounters with orcs. Legolas managed to get beside Nibin, but could not stop him.
        “Angel, you’re going to have to jump.” Legolas reached out his hand and Angelonus grasped it tightly. With a swift jerk, Legolas had him sprawled over the back of Arod. Nibin kept on running, even as Arod slowed to a stop. The horse was breathing hard and Angel was whimpering. Gandalf and Nazglas rode up, looking a bit alarmed.
        “Are you both alright?” Legolas nodded, though Angelonus just whimpered and dropped to the ground.
        “I hate horses. I really hate bloody horses.” Gandalf chuckled to himself, but there was a tightness to it.
        “I fear, perhaps, the horse was not of Elvin breeding. Nor of Rohan like Shadowfax and Arod.”
        “This is most strange.” The way Legolas said it caused fear to run it’s course through the company. “No one is able to deceive tha guards of Mirkwood. They were trained and we have had no visitors.”
        “Except for us.” Nazglas added quietly. ‘But neither of us much like horses…” Elmare shook her head. “’Cept you ‘course.”
        “This is to be discussed at a later date. We must move on.” He brought Shadowfax around to go back to the trail. That’s when Legolas noticed a problem.
        ‘Angelonus, do you wish to ride with me?” Angelonus made a face.
        “No offense, but I’m not into the male/male thing.” Legolas’s ear tips turned red with embarrassment at the suggestion. My gods, he’s rude.
        “Never mind.”
        “Here.” Nazglas hopped off Elmare and approached Arod. “Angel, you ride Elmare, I’ll_” She was cut off for Legolas had wrapped an arm around her midsection and pulled her onto the horse.
        “Ride with me.” The Elvin prince finished for her, smiling. She was now sitting in front of him, looking quite scared. Angel rolled his eyes, muttering about ‘stupid couples’.
        Legolas leaned forward to get a better grip on the simple rope tied loosely around the horses neck. He smiled gently.
        “Now, Angelonus, can you handle a mare?”

        For a better part of the day nothing happened. The only excitement was the random yelp from one of the twins.
        Gandalf was lost in thought and offered no vocal comfort. Nazglas was uncomfortable. The constant shifting of the horse’s spine made it extremely hard to keep a comfortable position. She shifted slightly, waking Legolas. He blinked, re-wetting his eyes.
        “You alright?” He whispered quietly in elvish. She jumped a bit, and Arod shook his head, showing his disapproval of the motion. Legolas leaned forward, his lips mere inches from her Elvin ear. “Do not fret. I will not let you fall.” He could tell she was still scared but not as much as before, He leaned forward again, this time to lightly kiss her cheek. Her voice sighed, her body relaxing against his chest. He loosely draped an arm around her waist steadying her a bit more.
        Gandalf rode along, lost in memories and thoughts. Why? The east wind brought elves… gray elves… one with a human name, one with an elvish_ His head shot up. No, Nazglas, the ring leaf, but nazg is not elvish for ring its…its the dark lord’s language. They’re from Mordor… “Mordor.” He felt emerald ,elvish eyes on him; Legolas had heard him. “Do not worry, Master Greenleaf, as far as I know we will not be returning there. I hope.” The elf made an affirmative sound in the back of his throat. Gandalf had no doubt he had heard the uncertainty in his voice. The old wizard glanced back at the other riders to see Angelonus asleep and Legolas with Nazglas, both content to be with the other. A gray elf and a wood elf. I hope that her origin does not alter his vision.
        Suddenly, Angelonus jerked awake. The motion caught the company’s eyes. He tensed, seemingly listening. A second later Legolas heard it. He let go of Nazglas and stood, not even swaying, on the back of Arod. He shielded his eyes from the sun with a thin hand. About a mile away, dark forms. Not dark, gray, with disgusting deformities…
        “Yrch!” he yelled, dropping back to sitting on Arod. “Orcs!”
        “How come ‘yrch’ sounds nothing like ‘orcs’?” Angel questioned, gripping the hilt of his knife. Gandalf shook his head.
        “We cannot risk fighting; naught will be won. Ride hard and fast.” Shadowfax took off into a gallop, a gray streak across the landscape. Arod pulled beside Elmare, nudging her. Without needing a spoken command, both took off at the same speed as Shadowfax.
        One good thing about yrch, Legolas thought, grimly, we’ll get to Imladris faster.