**I don't own LOTR, but I do have Legolas tied up in my closet. Sorry for the bashing! It's all in good fun! I DO love him, he is my very fave, but please, this had to be done. We all need some clarification behind the REAL story of why Legolas is single**

"The True Story"
by GreenLeaf33

Reason's why Legolas JUUUST MIGHT be gay:

10. He has long hair. Not just long. but BLONDE.

9. He braids his own hair for fun, let alone others. Did you see Gimli's beard???

8. C'mon, you've read the slash fics, there's gotta be SOMETHING going on there,

What else would give these people motivation?

7. The man wears TIGHTS, for God's sake, TIGHTS. Need I say more?

6. We've all seen the way he looks at Aragorn..and Gimli..and even Frodo if you want to get specific.

5. He's the only man without any visual body hair.

4. He looks better with long hair than short, and reminds me of my friend's sister.

3. He's the best singer around Mirkwood. He occasionally bursts into song. Legolas.where did you go wrong my friend?

2. He's around 1,000 years old. and he STILL hasn't gotten some. Something's up... Or not for that matter.

1.Rumor about the Fellowship themselves has it that while devoting his bow, he also whispered in Frodo's ear, "And my virginity."

***Alright I KNOW that sucked and was a disgrace to all that is good, no flames please!! My self esteem is already low enough! I'm sorry for picking on Legolas so much, I myself know he's not FULLY gay. At least that's what he told me.***