Disclaimer: I don't own LOTR

"Return Home"
by Trunks's Gal

Chapter One: The Welcome Back

        Gimli cried with joy when he saw Legolas and Nimbus walking out of the mist. Many times he had dreamed of that day arriving, and now, it was here. Tears of joy ran down his face as he embranced first Nimbus, then Legolas.
        "It's been so long since I've seen either of you," Gimli cried.
        Nimbus smiled, and she was just as beautiful as ever, if not more so. Legolas had grown, also. His muscle were bigger, and all around he seemed stronger.
        "What have you been up to for these long ten years?" Gimli asked.
        "We've been thinking," Nimbus said. "Thinking about how we want to get married."
        Gimli scanned over the two. They were holding hands, like they had ten years before, and their relationship had seemed to have grown stronger.
        "And what did you decide?" Gimli asked.
        "We decided to let our friends plan it for us. We'll provide the money, and they'll set it up," Legolas told his friend.
        Gimli nodded.
        "Would I be one to help?" he asked.
        Both Nimbus and Legolas nodded.
        "Of course. You were the first on both of our lists," Nimbus said.
        Gimli smiled, he was still crying. Nimbus hugged him close and smiled a big and beautiful smile.
        "Now," she said. "Where is my brother?"
        Gimli led Nimbus into a huge castle. It's towers rose into the clouds, it was made of solid stone. He took the two down a long narrow hall, and threw a dark, dank room. He had them cross over a tiny creek within the building, and threw an animal stall before they arrived in front of Beokia.
        When Beokia laid his eyes upon his little sister, his heart lept with joy. He felt as though twenty years had been taken from his body, and he ran to hug her. She smiled and let herself be hugged, it had been a long time since she had seen her brother.
        As soon as Nimbus broke the embrace, Beokia took his crown off and set it on Nimbus' head.
        "You are the queen," he said.
        She smiled and touched the golden crown.
        "Must I wear this?" she asked.
        Beokia nodded.
        "For the time being. I will get someone to make you a simple tiarra for when you want to travel."
        Nimbus smiled at her brother, a smile he hadn't seen in ten years. It made his want to cry when he thought of the last time he saw it. Then Beokia spoke up.
        "When Luniar died nine years ago, we thought you would come right away," he said, taking his sister's hands.
        "We did not get the news until yesterday," she replied, "and I ran on winged feet to try to reach you again."
        "We both did," Legolas added. "We were both homesick."
        Beokia smiled at the two.
        "Then let me be the first to welcome you to your new home."