WebRings! WebRings!

(An UPDATE, as of 10/14/02)
The original YAHOO! WebRing System NO LONGER EXISTS! Alternate and Independent WebRing Systems now carry the worldwide WebRings more reliably and easily!

QUFD (Quantum Unitary Field Dynamics) Website (at http://go.to/QUFD)
is a Member of the following listed International Webrings (...And these WebRings are truly International in scope! As an example, the Webmaster of the 'Consciousness WebRing' is a Professor of Physics at one of the premier Universities in England, while the Webmaster of the 'Theory of Everything WebRing' is a Physics Professor at the University of Beijing, China.), linking websites around the world concerned with a specific Webring topic, into a single Ring of websites, enabling easy access to any or all of those websites in each Webring. You may visit previous sites in the Ring or next sites in the Ring or see a List of all sites in the Ring and then go to any one of them. All of the Websites in these Webrings would appreciate your visit to their website. Thank you.

Visit all of the WEBRINGS!

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

The NAVBARS following are for the presently operational new WebRing System. If you are looking for an INDEPENDENT WebRing, it is probably shown below here.

(An UPDATE as of April 19, 2007.)

This website is currently being Read/Downloaded by over 13,700+ Readers/Downloaders PER DAY,

which, on an annualized basis, far exceeds so far reported worldwide Book Sales of "The Da Vinci Code"!
To find out what it is all about, check out Father Jerome's Blog, at: http://www.tinyurl.com/y8gsro/blog/
and then go to The WELCOME PAGE for this website, at: http://www.tinyurl.com/ykhwyy/Welcome.htm .
You can always continue your WebRings 'journey', by returning to this WebRings page!

(An UPDATE, as of 1/25/01)

Due to operating deficiencies in the old WebRing system, a number of WebRings have left the old WebRing system and gone to other INDEPENDENT WebRing systems. Such INDEPENDENT WebRings as this website is a Member of, are hereinfollowing posted with their independent-system Navigation Panels. Some of these independent WebRings may duplicate existing WebRings. Please make sure you have the correct WebRing to continue your journey; i.e., Independent Ring, or new WebRing!

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

Join the Consciousness Network

This is an independent web ring.

Site owned by:
Father Jerome
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Ring of Student
                Resources Navigation Map

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Ring of Academia Navigation Map List ALL Ring Members' Sites Visit Next Member Site Visit Previous Member Site Visit A Random Member Site Click Here For Info or to Join the Ring

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

Other Associated WebRings

This Boundaries of Science site owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..
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This Scientific Philosophy site owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..
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This System Engineering WebRing site is owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..
[ Previous 10 Sites | Skip Previous | Previous | Next | Skip Next | Next 10 Sites | Random Site | List Sites ] To join this Ring click here.

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

Science Books Web Ring
This Science Books site is owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..
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Random Site | List Sites | Join the ring ]

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

This Theory of Everything member site owned by
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..
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Click here to join our webring.

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

NOTE: The NEW WEBRING SYSTEM'S Academia WebRing Navigation Panel is located above at the top of this page!
Ring of Academia Navigation Map

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

NOTE: The NEW WEBRING SYSTEM'S Ring of Student Resources Navigation Panel is located above at the top of this page!

Ring of Student Resources Logo

Ring of Student Resources
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Next 5 - List

A Web Ring Devoted to Sites Featuring
Educational Material For Students of All Ages

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This K12 Resource Ring site is owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.
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Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

The Human Mind WebRing Next
This Human Mind WebRing site is owned by
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..
Click for the [ Next Page | Next 5 | Random site | List Sites ]

Want to join the ring? Click here for info.

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

This Brain-Computer Interface Ring website is owned by
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.
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Random Next 5 List Sites Join Ring

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The Neuro Ring's Previous Website
This Neuro Ring site is owned by

Father Jerome,
OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.

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Want to apply for membership?

The Neuro Ring's Next Website

Webring Server Down or Too Busy? Try the Problems? Link.

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logo Member of the Medical Education Ring
Linking medical education web sites worldwide
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Prev BioScience Webring Next
BioScience Webring

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Tutoring: Medicine, Psychology, Neurosciences Tutoring: Medicine, Psychology, Neurosciences
Tutoring: Medicine, Psychology, Neurosciences Ring site is owned by
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.
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Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

Prev BioTechnology Webring Next
BioTechnology Webring

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EcoSpirituality Ring

This EcoSpirituality site has been created by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.
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This Nature's Wonders site owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.

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Next 5 Random Site List Sites

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This Rainbow Keeper site is owned by
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc. .

[ Skip Prev ] [ Prev ] [ Next ] [ Skip Next ] [ Random ] [ Next 5 ] [ List Sites ] Want to join the Rainbow Keeper Webring ?

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

NOTE: The NEW WEBRING SYSTEM'S Consciousness WebRing Navigation Panel is located above at the top of this page!

Join Consciousness Webring
Site owned by:
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.
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*skip previous
*skip next
*next 5
*random site
*list sites

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

This Philosophy Webring site is owned by
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.

Want to join the
Philosophy Webring ?

Come philosophize with us in the Philosophy Webring Forum

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Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

The Open Your Mind Ring
The Open Your Mind Ring is owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.
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To join the Ring or for info.

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

This Rift site owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.

[Next | Skip It | Next 5 | Prev | Random | info ].

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

This Consensual Expression site owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..

The Consensual Expression WebRing

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Would you like to -join the ring?

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

This Freedom of Thought site is owned by
Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc..

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Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

This Thoughts of Wisdom

site is owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.

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[Join Thoughts of Wisdom]

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The World Peace 2000 Webring
This World Peace 2000 ring
site is owned by Father Jerome, OA/OWB, D.Th., D.Sc.

Click for the
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| Random Site | List Sites

Want to join the ring?
Then go here.
Linking together the world in an effort to create a global community
working together to make peace on earth a reality for the future.

Go to the QUFD website's Opening Page.

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