* Die-hard skiers and riders along with Mountain Creek Staff enjoy the 1st "End of Ski Season" party hosted by snowboarding buddy Ryan Brian Mastriani in the Parking Lot of South Peak. To read the newspaper article that appeared in the Advertiser North click HERE.

Ski buddies and MC staff celebrate a great 2019 ski season. |

Buffy and lift ops buddy Chris enjoying the Ryan-Brian end of season ski party |
* Buffy and John celebrated St. Patrick's day on the slopes with a few of their best ski buddies and MC staffers.

Buffy and John with a few of their ski/snowboarding buddies and Mountain Creek Staffers |

Buffy and John celebrating St. Patrick's Day with ski buddy JImbo |
* It was Buffy's birthday on March 14th. She asked for good skiing and a sunny day and she got it. A lot of hugs from friends and a romantic dinner homemade cake and ice cream topped off a great birthday.

Milano Restaurant friends help Buffy celebrate |

Buffy makes a wish and blows out the candel on her birthday cannoli |
* The Adaptive Sports Program at Mountain
Creek that we helped found begins to grow. Today March 8, 2019 we
had our special ski buddy Nick Cerrato on the slopes to enjoy some runs from
the top. To learn more about our Adaptive Sports Program click
HERE. If you wish to hlep us grow the
program you can donate on the website or by contacting Buffy and John. To read the newspaper article that appeared in the Advertiser News North click HERE.

The Adaptive Sports Program at MC Team with Nick |

Nick skiing Horizon with Tim, Mike and supporters Rich, Jimbo and Buffy |
* John asked for snow for his birthday. How much snow did we get?
The Snow Measure Man says 13.5 inches!
* John celebrated his 78th birthday by skiing with Buffy at Mountain
Creek for the 78th day this ski season. The celebration continued with a
delicious and romantic candlelight, wine, home made manicotti dinner made by Buffy and an awesome ski mountain cake with a skier skiing
through the trees on corduroy. Thanks to all our friends for the many
birthday wishes.
* It is President's Week at Mountain Creek and we are celebrating our
66th day on snow with our friends Jimbo, Rich, Bonnie, Lou and others.
Looking forward to another rotten day in heaven tomorrow.

John, Jimbo and Buffy on the Sugar Slope at
Mountain Creek |
* Today was a great day on the slopes, our 64th, shared with our ski
buddy Nick Cerrato who was the inspiration behind the startup of the Adaptive
Sports Program at Mountain Creek. He enjoyed skiing with the help of his
Mountain Creek Adaptive Sports friends: Matt, Stephen and Mike.
* Buffy and John continue to Practice Rule #1 - "Have Fun!" as the ski
season approaches mid-season. One of the fun aspects to skiing is
enjoying Apre Ski at the Biergarten at Mountain Creek with friends, Lou and Bartender

John, Buffy & Lou enjoy a cold one at Mountain Creek's Biergarten served super bartender Tiffany
Buffy and John have been enjoying GREAT skiing at Mountain Creek with friends.
One of our ski buddies, Lou introduced us to his daughter Janie and son who is
trianing for Ski Patrol. The photo below was taken by Janie on the
top of the Mountain Creek North.
* We celebrated Christmas by skiing Christmas eve and meeting Santa at Mountian
Creek sponsored by the Vernon Police Department and sking on Christmas Day and
keeping up our tradition of giving our friends the lift attendants and guest
services staff Buffy's homemade cookies.
* Once again Buffy & John celebrated the opening of the their home ski mountain,
the Mountain Creek Ski Resort on Friday, December 14th, one day earlier than
last year. John photographed the opening and submitted a newspaper
article and photos to the local newspaper. The article can be viewed by
Friends crash the "Opening Day Banner"
at Mountain Creek |
Terrain Park, Lift Ops staff and
Managers make it all possible |
The ski season has arrived. To get a head start Buffy & John visited Mt
Snow in Vernont on Wednesday and Thursday - December 12th and 13th to prepare
for the opening of Mt Creek the following day, December 14th. We
again stayed a wonderful Gray Ghost Inn (named after a fishing tied fly) which
was so nice we are included a link on the site below so if you decide to go
the Mt. Snow you will give the Gray Ghost Inn a try and say "Hi" to the
Innkeeper, Carina for us. You will love it.

Buffy & John kick off the ski season at Mt Snow |

Buffy & John on the summit of Mt Snow |
* Buffy
& John celebrated the coming of Chistmas at daughter Denise and Patrick's home
on Saturday, December 1st. The photo taken at the event documents how
everyone has grown.

The smiles on the faces of family & friends tell the tale.
Jones Xmas Party was GREAT fun
The Whiting Annual Xmas Party hosted by daughter Denise (middle front)