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Go for it! "Another Rotten Day in Heaven. Some Body Has to Do It So It Might As Well Be Us!" To share an idea or comment with Buffy & John click HERE!
2021 Summer & Fall Events & Activities
* Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of the year to stop and remember all that we are thankful for. This year Thanksgiving was celebrated with Buffy's family at the new home of Arlene, Jeff and Allison Santora in Saugerties New York. It was a delicious and fun day! Thanks Santora's for hosting.
* Buffy & John visited Martha & Steve Boshart to see her beautiful pottery in November. The visit turned out to be a Hidden Valley Ski Resort race coach reunion. The friends stopped for a photo.
* With the end of golf season Buffy & John decided to train for the upcoming ski season by taking a vacation from their permanent vacation at their favorite location, St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. It was a wonderful training trip with days spent with the fish and turtles snorkeling and an adult beverage or two following a day at a beautiful St. John Beach.
* It was a fun golf season again for Buffy & John. They held the Annual B&J Golf Championship was held on October 3rd at the Ballyowen Golf Club with the outcome the closest it has been in years. John won the 2021 Championship with a net score of 96 to Buffy's 97. They tied with a 5 to 5 holes in match play, 1 to 1 in closest to the pin and tied in the lowest putts competition with 34 putts each.
The final season golf competition standings are reported below. This season long golf tournament establishes bragging rights for low net against GHIN handicaps, match play, closest to the pin for a beer and low putts.
* Buffy & John played in the traditional friends and family Columbus Day Golf Classic at the Windham Country Club in New York at a time when the fall leaves were at their best. The event was followed by a party and awards event hosted by Mickey and Pat Parsons. It was fun!
* Sunday September 26th our buddy Barry was celebrating his 60th birthday and we were there to help him celebrate.
* Celebrated another Rotten Day in Heaven with sister Peg at Emerald Point on Greenwood Lake, New York on Tuesday, September 7, 2021. Photo below captures our fun day.
* Buffy & John spent the early part of their September 3rd Wedding Anniversary playing golf at the Black Bear Golf Club with their buddy Pete and new friend John. The photo below includes their starter friends John and Bob.
* On Sunday, August 2nd Buffy and John visited the Pine Island Tap House to hear cousin Christian Mena and his band play and enjoy a few adult beverages with their ski buddies Rich and Bonnie Calak and some new friends from Highland Lakes in Vernon.
* On July 4th we celebrated the blessing of being an American by playing golf at Buffy's favorite golf course Ballyowen and with a few friends at Emerald Point on Greenwood Lake New Your.
* So far this summer we have blessed with blooming rose bushes after last year's lack of roses. The photos below capture a rose growing on the bush and the beauty of the roses indoors.
* Buffy & John continue to enjoy golf with their two golf buddies, Pete and Craig. The photo below was taken by our friend Jimmie at the Wild Turkey Golf Club.
* Playing golf for Buffy and John is not just hitting the little white ball. It includes seeing non-golfer friends watching us. After golf a beer on the deck allows us to watch our Golf Shack bird friends.
* John continues to use his antique clock repair hobby to help friends who have antique clocks in need of repair. One friend, Greg Sciscoe had two clocks with some family memories attached that were not working. John gave them some TLC and Tick Tock goes the clocks.
* Buffy and John began the coming of summer events by taking their 2nd COVID-19 Vaccine Shot.
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