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"Over 2 Decades of Award Winning Excellence in Marketing, Public Relations, Freelance News Reporting and Photojournalism"
The Editor/Vernon Advocate Founder
Dr. John T. Whiting, Business/Political Analyst, Author, Photojournalist, Public/Seminar Speaker, Dr. Whiting has been a long time resident of Vernon Township and an advocate for the collective marketing and promotion of local businesses. In the 1980s he collaborated in founding a civic organization called "Vernon Tomorrow" to focus attention on a vision for Vernon's future and to promote local businesses. Dr. Whiting is an entrepreneur who has founded and directed companies in management consulting, public relations, education, the arts, entertainment serving clients that span individuals, small business owners and Fortune 500 companies. Has has had considerabler success in writing and securing grants for education, business and individuals. As an author Dr. Whiting who has written more than 14 books ranging from the Information Technology Revolution, to Education Reform, the Woodstock Music Festival, the Most Beautiful Golf Holes in New Jersey, The Women's Guide to Learning to Play Golf for Fun, Learn to Play Golf for Fun, The Beginner's Guide to Learn to Ski For Fun. He has written and had published more than 200 newpaper articles about local businesses and events and has been a key note speaker for major educational corporate meetings and events. Dr. Whiting has been an educator having served as a teacher, principal and superintended of schools in the public school system, has taught at the graduate level at Rutgers University, Seton Hall University and Kean University. He founded E-BMC - E-Business Management Consulting a full service management consulting firm providing service to "C" level executives based on a ROI (return on investment) MBO (Management by Objectives) service delivery methodology. He is also the Principal and owner of Golf Event Photos as a photojournaliest serving the golf industry Dr. Whiting has made a commitment to giving back to the community by providing FREE service to the community in areas of his expertise including The Vernon Advocate, The You Have a Friend Counseling and Consulting Service and the Write a Book for Fun Project. Dr. Whiting and his wife Buffy have also been the leaders in the development of the Adaptive Sports Program at Mountain Creek to provide recreational and sports opportunities to individuals with handicaps and disabilities. Dr. Whiting believes that Rule #1 in life should be to have FUN and he is hoping that the service support he is providing to his fellow residents will help them enjoy life and have fun too.
Background photo: "Hole #1 Wild Turkey Golf Club at Crystal Springs" taken by Dr. John T. Whiting
2000 (c) Dr. John T.