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"Cooperstown, New York - Baseball's Hall of Fame 2002"

Page 1 - Golf at Leatherstocking Golf Club

Buffy won low net = 87 and Bob won match play.


Bob, Mickey and John ready to tee off.

Bob shows good form.  Check out the ball on the tee.

Buffy shows her match winning form.

A view of the club house from the 10th tee.

John poses for a photo.

Bob gives it another great swing.  The views were great too. 

Buffy, Bob & Mickey take a break from the match.

Buffy's smiling.  It must have been another great drive.

Mickey waiting by the green for the slower players.  Birdie Mick?

The 18th  hole was a scenic tee shot over the water.

Yes, that's where we hoped to end up on the 18th par 5.

John, Mickey and Bob on the 18th tee.

Two birds helping look for John's ball in the water. 

A beautiful view from the deck of the Leatherstocking Hotel...the 19th.

Mickey relaxing at the 19th hole.

Mickey, Bob, Buffy & John relax.  Buffy won low net, Bob match play.

Sunday...All planned to attend the 10 o'clock mass... 

...however, Mass was scheduled for 11.  Bob went to get forgiveness from his (golf) sins.  The rest went to the Hall of Fame.

All photographs taken by Buffy & John Whiting

Background photograph "A View from The Leatherstocking Hotel Deck" taken by John T. Whiting

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