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Go for it! "Another Rotten Day in Heaven. Some Body Has to Do It So It Might As Well Be Us!" To share an idea or comment with Buffy & John click HERE!
2022 Spring & Summer Events & Activities
* It was an unusually short golf season with Buffy dominating the competition. The annual Buffy and John Invitational Golf Classic yet to be played weather permitting. The chart below documents Buffy' dominance this golf season.
* Vernon friends gathered for Urll Fest to invoke the power of the Nordic God of Winter Urll and to support the Joseph P. Hession Foundation on Saturday, November 13, 2022. Read the posting by the Advertiser News.
* We enjoyed a wonderful 15 days in our favorite vacation site, St. John. The weather was perfect, our home away from home was cozy thanks to our hosts, the Phillips, the snorkeling with our fish friends and partying.
* In an attempt to begin to prepare for the upcoming ski season Buffy & John went on a ski trip to BIGSnow to do some warm-up runs. John also took some photos of their visit along with a visit to the McAfee Ski Shop to be used to support a newspaper article in the Advertiser News entitled "Skiers & Snowboarders Get Ready for the 2022-23 Ski Season" published online & in print. Check it out! Click on the title hypertext.
* On Friday, September 30th Buffy & John joined golf buddies Stephen & Bill Chamberlain team to compete in the 7th Annual CHCM Golf Tournament. We did not win but John won closest to the pin. To view the photos of the event click on the hyperlink or click HERE.
* Wednesday, September 14th was another rotten day in heaven. The day kicked off with a beautiful day on the Crystal Springs Golf Course as Buffy continued her winning ways. Following golf a stop at the Brick n Brew for an adult beverage with buddy Lou and then off to the Blue Arrow Center for some great music by "Some Guys and a Broad" with Nancy and Richie Howes and friend, ski buddy Nick Cerrato and mom Pattie and Don, the owner.
* Buffy & John extended their Anniversary week by playing goof at Ballyowen GC and sharing in the celebration of their friends, Bonnie and Richard Calak's family get together. Both were fun.
* Buffy & John celebrated their anniversary following Rule #1 by having fun playing golf at the Black Bear G.C., celebrating with friends with a few adult beverages at a favorite watering hole, Tony's and at a concert at the Warwick Railroad Garden featuring the super band Some Guys and a Broad. It was a special day!
* With Buffy & John's Anniversary approaching they spent an evening of celebration at a very special and extraordinary dining venue,
* Buffy & John celebrated the month of the Woodstock Festival at the Mountain Creek Biergarten with friends on Thursday, August 25th. We were there and John wrote the book "The Woodstock 94 Story".
* You never have too many friends. One of our long time friends is Mark, the owner of Foreign Auto where we have gotten our cars serviced for over 30 years. He is not only a friend but an outstanding mechanic who does a great job in taking care of our cars over the years at a fair price. We had our car serviced on Friday, August 19, 2022 and got updated with our friend Mark.
* We are blessed to live in an area that provides world class skiing, golf and outstanding musical entertainment that we can enjoy with our many friends. Thursday July 4th was one of those special nights at the Biergarten at Mountain Creek where we enjoyed listening to long time friend Ray Sikora host and perform at Karaoke night. The photos below capture some of the fun. John even sang a few songs for Buffy.
* Tuesday, July 12th was our ski buddy Bonnie's "16th" birthday. We celebrated her special day by a party at the George Inn.
* On Thursday, July 7th Buffy & John joined ski buddies Rich & Bonnie on the Lawn at Sugarloaf to hear the great E'lissa Jones Band. It was a perfect night of music followed by a stop at the Sugar Loaf Tap House to enjoy some delicious food & visit Jen the bartender & meet new friends Katie & Jim who took the photo below.
* Collecting and repairing antique clocks is a hobby inherited from John's father Marion. On of the favorites in the collection is a Circa 1780, Matthew Wylie grandfather clock that had a worn gear preventing the cloc from working. An effort was made to repair the worn gear with a safety pin aqnd Epoxy leading to the celebration of its return to keeping time. John continues to help friends repair antique clocks. See news article by clicking HERE.
* Buffy and John celebrated the high school graduation of grandson Joseph Thomas Whiting (JT) on Thursday, June 23rd with friends and family. A photo album of the graduation is posted on Buffy & John's Facebook and can be viewed by clicking HERE.
* Flag day was celebrated on Tuesday, June 14th by a visit from Big Sis Peg Whiting and a fun lunch on the deck with a delicious pizza provided by Peg and home made desert and ice cream.
* Buffy & John played their 1st round of golf for the season at Black Bear Golf Club on Monday, June 6, 2022. As noted above, Buffy won low net 91 to John's, she won match play 6 to 7 and scored a closest to the pin for a beer. John won low puts with 34 putts to Buffy's 35.
* Buffy & John visited the 1st day of the Vernon Makers Market on June 4th to see the wares of local craftsman and the beautiful pottery created by friend Martha Boshart. The photos of that visit capture the visit, meeting the Mayor of Vernon and friends at Heaven Hill Farm.
* Memorial Day has been traditionally spent upstate with Buffy's family. With bad weather scheduled for Sunday and no softball game we decided to stay local and spend Monday, Memorial Day at one of our favorite adult beverage spots on Greenwood Lake called Emerald Point with friends.
* We are looking forward to a fun summer but took a trip to BIGSnow with ski buddies Bonnie and Rich Calak to celebrate the reopening of the indoor ski area following a fire in September of 2021. The photos capture the fun.
* If you know a woman who might enjoy golf give her the gift of John's 15th book "The Women's Guide to Learning to Play Golf for Fun!". The book was written to provide women, wives, and girlfriends who may wish to join their friends, husbands, and boy friends for a fun round of golf. The book details how to make learning to play golf easy and fun. The book is available online at Lulu.com in paperback and eBook editions.
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