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Greetings from DarkGatomon!
Welcome to the Takeru and Hikari / DarkGatomon's Lair Role Playing Game! Feel free to email DarkGatomon or Malathyne if you have any questions or comments.

Updated 8/8/05: Two more pages from Malathyne's group, starting from page three, have been posted! I think this makes her group essentially caught up to date!

Previously updated 8/3/05: Another page and a half from Malathyne's group have been posted, so if you're interested, start by reading from the second half of the first page! Also, the first two pages from Ariah's group are now up! Wondering how I managed to get so much HTMLing done in one day? Well, it was easy! You see, I watched the entirety of Noa's arc, plus the lover's spat duel and three more hours of the BC finals after that, today, so I managed to get quite a lot done while that was going on... along with having broken my brain. Oh, Yu-Gi-Oh!, how I adore thee... <3

Previously updated 8/1/05: I've posted the final update from Water Hawk's group, so if you're interested in that, go take a look at the bottom half of the last page.

Previously updated 7/26/05: Uhm. Forget that site redesign - Mala and Deegs are lazy/busy, depending on who you ask. ^_^ Something moderately important from me, though. Through staunch experimentation and focus groups, we have determined that a number of the email addresses on record do not work. These email addresses are:,,,,,,,,,, and

If the holders of these email addresses do not contact a staffer by 8/26 (that's a month, people), they will be removed from the RPG. ^_^ Thank you, and goodnight.

A Few Minutes Later: Whoops. Meant to add this. While there's not going to be a massive site redesign till certain people get... remotivated, I've just gone ahead and bucked authority (as is my wont) and finished up the Staff page. It's now in the tower of links at the bottom of the page. Enjoy!

Previously updated 7/6/05: Just updating you that a major site redesign is in the works - DarkGatomon, Malathyne, Hika, and myself were in a chat for some time last night hashing things out. Sneak preview: There will be a Staff page coming! Rejoice!

Previously updated 7/5/05: *keels over* I finally finished the new splash page! I could spend all day counting out the flaws, but I'll spare you, and won't. So, for now, just enjoy the new splash page until I get bored of it and make another one. ... yes.

Previously updated 6/30/05: DarkGatomon here! I've got another page of RPing from my group posted, so go take a look at that, if you're interested!

Previously updated 6/25/05: Hello, all. This is Malathyne, and I'll be helping with the site's management. ^~^ As we all know, Deegs-san has her hands full with college (and Chris didn't do anything during the month he was "employed." He may say he did, but we all know the truth. XP) (and Chris was very busy until recently with too many AP exams and general honors high school work XP). It's best to give a shoulder of the load to someone who has more time on her hands than she knows what to do with it: me. ^^; As well as managing my group, I'll be taking over character management in general.

What does 'character management' cover? Basically, instead of sending new character submissions to DG, you'll send them to me. Anything to do with the Sign-Up, Members, Introductory Stories, Characters, Digimon, and Group pages are now under my wing. Group Leaders, you keep your contacts with Deegs; she'll still be covering the coding and posting of the actual role-play log pages.

If there are any wonky changes to the site -- new splash page, new page about extra random stuff -- it'll probably be my doing. If you see this color font on Updates, you'll know that I've been tinkering around a bit. ^_~

This is Chris, here. I just wanted to say welcome to Malathyne, and I know she'll do a great job helping out with this site. (I might not have talked much, but I'm still around! :P) I look forward to seeing the changes that show up!

Introductory Stories, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3.
Boosh's Group
Chibi_e_2000's Group
Chibi_e_2000's Group's World
DarkGatomon's Group, Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39.
Hyper Kari's Group, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8.
Meg-san's Group
Insane Ishida's Group
Shinato's Group
Manda's Group, Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
Shae Rovana's Group, Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21.
Wind Song's Group, Page 1, 2.
Water Hawk's Group, Page 1, 2, 3, 4.
Sasha Janre-Ishtar's Group, Page 1, 2, 3, 4.
Amethyst Wind's Group, Page 1, 2.
Malathyne's Group, Page 1, 2, 3, 4.
Ariah's Group, Page 1, 2.
Characters, Page 1, Page 2, Page 3.

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