Monster Museum

Hello, and welcome to the monster museum. It showcases all the giant monsters in the world. It tells what they are and where they come from. This section has ratings on the monsters, representing how powerfull they are in a fight. A 5-star monster is very, very powerfull. It is one of the best fighters around. They usually win and are very popular. I hope the main idea for the Godzilla Tower, the Monster Museum, is both fun and informative.

Chairman and Monster Researcher

* = A horibly weak monster
** = Won't last long and won't kill much
*** = Basic fighting abilitie
**** = Very strong, but has flaws
***** = A horibly strong monster

Choose Your Destiny

The Toho Symbol!Toho MonstersThe Toho Symbol!

Daiei Monsters

Radioactive monsters from animated shows!Cartoon MonstersRadioactive monsters from animated shows!


Gappa ***
Guilala *****
Giant Toad ****
Magic Serpent ****
Megazord *****
Giant Robo *****

Baltan-Seijin *****
Biezor ****
Death Facer *****
King of Mons *****
Queen Monera ****
Ultraman *****

China / Hong Kong

Peking Man ***

North Korea

Pulgasari ****

South Korea

Ape ***
Cyker ****
Wangmagwi ****
Yongary *****
Yonggary ****


Garuda ***


Reptilicus ****


King Kong

Bat-Rat-Spider ***
Behemoth ****
Blob *****
Centaur ***
Crawling Eye ****
Cyclops ***
Deadly Mantis **
Dinocroc ***
Draco ****
Drake *****
Gryffin ****
ED 209 ****
Evolution Aboeba ***
Frankenstein ***
Giant Ant Squad ***
Giant Claw ****
Giant Gastropod ***
Giant Gila Monster ***
Giant Octopus ***
Giant Sea Turtle **
Giant Scorpion ***
Giant Snake ***
Giant Spider Squad ***
Giant Squirrel ***
Giant Tarantula ***
Giant Walrus ***
God Porno ***
Godzilla ****
Gorgo ****
Graboid ***
Griffin ***
Hydra ***
Killer Tomato ****
Kothoga ***
Kraa ****
Kraken ****
Maticore ****
Minotaur ***
Mighty Joe Young ****
Mr. Stay Puft **
Moon Cow **
Nessie ???
Q ***
Queen Alien ****
Rancor ***
Rhedosaurus ***
Roc ***
RoF Dragon ****
Sabertooth Cat ***
Sandworm (Dune) ****
Sandworm (Beetlejuice) ***
Sinbad Dragon ****
Talos **
Troglodyte ***
Ymir ***
Zarkorr ****

Death Dalek ***

Brontosaurus ***
Iguanasaurus ***
Stego ***
Terrordactyl ***
T-Rexx ***
Trike ***
Ultraraptor ***

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