Peking Man


A.K.A.: Mighty Peking Man, whatever that one girl called him?

Height: 10 stories

Weight: a lot

Regular Abilities: Punching, bashing, smashing, crashing, stomping, roaring, squishing, throwing stuff, facial expressions

Special Abilities: None

Weakness: Has a habit of standing around and getting shot

Film Appearances: "The Mighty Peking Man" (1977)


History: A giant ancient sub-human ape-like something-or-other. Lives in the Himalayas, on the India side. Trashes villages every once in a while. Raised a plane-crash victim known as Samantha from childhood. Was talked into coming to Hong Kong so all could see him. Wasn't as fun as expected. Was tortured for a while, and then went berserk when Samantha was hurt. Climbed to tallest building, got shot at, blown up, and came crashing down in a ball of flames.


Fighting Power: ***

Typical King-Kong rip-off. Nothing to special other then the usual stomping and bashing. Can destroy model cities pretty good. Physical power seems to be about the same as Kong. However, he seems to be stupider. Has difficulty "comprehending", but, ironically, he can communicate with humans pretty good. Despite some slight differences, he is your typical giant ape, even if scientifically he's not.