The Blob


A.K.A.: The Glob
Dimensions: Variable
Weight: Variable
Regular Abilities: it creeps, and leaps, and glides and slides, can form body into any shape, can squish through extremely narrow conditions, can separate into multiple parts and recombine, can dissolve and digests in seconds any matter it wishes (usually organic)
Special Abilities: none
Weakness: cold temperatures

Film Appearances: The Blob (1958)

Son of the Blob (1972)

The Blob (1988)


History: A strange alien life-form that came to Earth inside the core of a meteorite. After being released it started absorbing people in a small town, growing bigger and bigger. Eventually the whole town knew about it, and froze it using fire extinguishers. It was brought to the arctic, where the main mass still resides.


Fighting Power: *****

Indestructible! Indescribable! Nothing can stop it! Being a creature formed by a shapeless pliable mass, it can ooze through pretty much anything and is completely immune to all physical damage. Electricity and chemicals seem to have little effect also. The only thing that holds it back is cold temperatures, which can freeze it if cold enough, but nothing is known that can kill it. Battles with the "blob" usual involve the attacker trying fruitlessly to stop it, getting part of the "blob" attached to them, are unable to combat it’s sheer sticky strength, and are dissolved and digested in a matter of seconds. A very powerful unstoppable life-form indeed!