Sandworm (Dune)

A.K.A.: Geonemotodium arraknis, Shaihuludata gigantica, Shai-Hulud

Length: usually observed to be up to 400 meters, but can be larger

Diameter: 10:1 ratio, so a 400 meter long one would be 40 meters in diameter

Weight: a lot

Regular Abilities: large mouths with crystalline teeth, can burrow through sand at high speeds, can tunnel through rock

Special Abilities: none

Weakness: water (poisonous), full-body electrocution


Film Appearances: Dune (1984)

Dune (2000 TV mini-series)

Children of Dune (2003 TV mini-series)


History: A species of giant worm-like creatures that live on the planet Arrakis, and are a very important link in the local ecology. Sandworms are also important for galactic economy because the "spice’ produced by the worms (mostly the larval form, sandtrouts) allow for interstellar travel. Consequently the planet has been fought over many times by a number or different groups.


Fighting Power: ****

Well they are big worms, obviously, except very strong, have giant gaping mouths, and can burrow through just about anything at high speeds. Not exactly good to be on the receiving end of somebody brave enough to "ride" one of these things through your city/fortress/spaceport/infrastructure. They have been noted to be vicious combatants, capable of causing much damage and surviving most any damage inflicted onto them. For the most part the only creatures of their size that they’ve fought is themselves, but anything else their size will have a rough time fighting with these tough worms.