Fire Dragon

A.K.A.: RoF Dragon, "Reign of Fire" Dragon, The Big Male Dragon, The Big Bull

Wingspan: 300 feet

Weight: in the tons

Regular Abilities: flight, gliding, big teeth, claws, long tail, good day vision and better night vision

Special Abilities: creates a stream of natural napalm from two glands in mouth

Weakness: does not see well at sunrise or sunset

Film Appearances: "Reign of Fire" (2002)

History: A prehistoric flying reptile that existed before the dinosaurs. Usually attacking in large swarms, they burn living matter and feed off the ashes. The are credited for the Permian extinction, the death of the dinosaurs, the melting of the ice age, and nearly wiping out the human race at the beginning of their 21st century. They keep feeding until there is nothing left, and they go back to hibernate underground in present-day London. After having their only male killed by humans, they were driven to extinction (or were they?).

Fighting Power: ****

Using two chemicals from glands in their mouths, the dragons can produce natural napalm. That combined with their flying ability, great strength, and vicious bites make them quite the force to be reckoned with. And the male is three times the common females' size. Their main mode of attack is to swoop in and burn everything to a crisp so they can feed of the ashes latter (delicious, nutritious, and makes your fangs whiter). Fast, intelligent, and usually great vision makes them great fighters, but it only takes one explosive bolt from a crossbow to take the big one down.