
A.K.A.: "Frankenstein", Frankenstein's Monster, Toho Frankenstein, Japanese Frankenstein, Frank, Boy

Height: 20 Meters (71 ft.)

Weight: 200 Tons

Regular Abilities: Human-like brain, punching, kicking, biting, lifting, throwing, uses anything for a weapon, can regenerate any body part if heart is alive (and the heart never dies), can snap a baragon's neck with ease

Special Abilities: none

Weakness: He's supposed to be scared of fire, sensitive eyes

Film Appearances: Any of the over 150 movies with "Frankenstien" in the title

Frankenstein Conquers the World (1965)

History: Dr. Frankenstien did an experiment where he brought the dead back to life. A monster was created. There is a classic book and a bazilion movies based on this, but the only one about a giant monster was "Frankenstien Conquers the World", a Toho movie that made him really big. Ironically, there's a young Frankenstien (the monster, not the doctor) in this movie. The heart of Frankenstien was blown up in the Hiroshima A-bomb drop, and somehow 15 years later a young Frankenstein monster popped up. Grew large due to the radiation It ate things, befriended humans, got shot at by other humans, and fought Baragon. Was sucked up by some sort of an earthquake sinkhole. Obviously, there was a sequel, one "War of the Garganutuas", but that involves a slightly different monster.

Fighting Power: ***

Despite the fact that the brain is "abnormal", this guy is as smart as most humans! Battle wise, at least. Humans are pathetic in the animalistic fighting department. Their "claws" are dull, their teeth are omnivorous, and they have thin skin. However, this guy here is pretty thick skinned and has the ability to regenerate lost and injured body parts. Humans are nothing without their tools, but this guy not only looks like a caveman, he as the abilities of one to. He can build a fire, make stone tools, and chuck sharp pieces of wood at things. He can use his surroundings in a smart way, turning just about anything into a weapon. He is also very quick and very agile. He is very strong, and he can throw boulders like no one else. However, even thought he is tough for a human, he still has a frail body. One smack from Godzilla's thermonuclear breath, and good bye Franky! Then again, maybe Baragon's breath is powerful, and this guy is a very resistant human-like monster. His heart supposedly can't die, in which case he can never die totally, but he can still "loose" easily. But if he is physically resistant to stress, then he is actually really good! If I did half stars, this guy would be a ***1/2