The Sinbad Dragon

A.K.A.: The Dragon, The Fire Breathing Dragon, Taro (unless that one guy actually said "Follow")

Height: 16 ft (just a guess)

Length: 80 ft (another guess)

Weight: A lot

Regular Abilities: Biting, slashing, head-butting, tail-whipping, a forked tongue

Special Abilities: Flame-throwing breath

Weaknesses: Restraining it by neck, giant crossbows

Film Appearances: "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad" (1958)

History: Dragons are an extremely diverse legendary monster. They can be seen in many sources and vary to a large degree. This one is the one seen by Sinbad the Sailor on the island of Colossa. It was being kept as a bit of a "guard dragon" by Sokurah the Magician. Despite the fact that it seemed to know how to follow orders, it was still chained up at the entrance of the cave. Its main duty was to ward off cyclopses. If they got to close, it would throttle them to death. On the fine day Sinbad came, he released the dragon, which promptly killed a cyclops. Sokurah ordered it to come and kill Sinbad, but on it's way out the entrance to the valley, it was shot by a giant crossbow. It accidentally fell on Sokurah, got up, walked a little ways, and slumped over to die.


Fighting Ability: ****

Quite the ferocious beast, this guy can kill the not-to-shabby cyclops with ease. He has quite the set of fangs, and can throttle things to death real quickly. Even though he never used it for battle, he can also shout out a burning stream of fire. Strong, tough, quick, and with an attitude. However, it can be grabbed by the neck pretty easily, and the fire doesn't seem to be along the lines of "extremely powerful", but it still is one of the tougher foes that Sinbad has faced.