King of Mons

A.K.A.: King of Monsters

Height: 70 Meters (estimated guess)

Weight: 75,000 Tons (estimated guess)

Regular Abilities: tooth and claw, bashing and stomping, retractable grabbing spikes on chest, flight capablity, can survive in the vacuum of space

Special Abilities: powerful mouth beam, yellow energy shield from wings, electrical discharge blast, can reverse energy flows

Can split off two other monsters:
Monster 2 (looks like a giant mantis): big scythe claws, red energy balls from mouth, flight ability, capable of space travel
Monster 3 (looks like a walking fish): really big mouth, can run fast, a good swimmer

Weakness: killing one of the split-off monsters causes damage to the main one


Film Appearances: Ultraman Gaia: The Battle in Hyperspace (1999)


History: Using a mysterious crystal ball, a trio of grade-school bullies wished for a monster they made with clay to come alive and destroy the world. Knowing that this sort of thing might happen, Ultraman Gaia traveled to that universe from his own and did battle with this “King of Mons”. Helped by Ultraman Tiga and Ultraman Dyna, the monster(s) were defeated and the world saved.


Fighting Power: *****

Literally three monsters in one, this nightmare of destruction probably would have succeeded if a total of three ultra warriors didn’t take it on. Not only is the main one big and powerful itself, with a wide range of abilities, but the more specialized split-off monsters have powerful abilities themselves. With the ability to flatten cities in minutes and take on any single opponent with ease, the “King of Mons” lives up to his name.