Giant Claw

A.K.A.: La Canyana (a witch of French Canadian legend), the giant antimatter space buzzard

Height: 500 feet (just a guess)

Wingspan: 1000 feet (another guess)

Weight: ???

Regular Abilities: big beak, sharp talons, capable of supersonic flight

Special Abilities: an antimatter shield that blocks all attacks

Weakness: weapons using subatomic particles break shield


Film Appearances: The Giant Claw (1957)

History: the most excepted theory is that this "bird" came from an antimatter galaxy to Earth in order to make a nest and feed it’s young. It started in the northern reaches of Canada, where it spiraled out from there attacking and consuming the energy (directly or indirectly) of anything that moved. Surrounded by shield made from antimatter, it was impervious to the many attacks sent after it by the military. The eggs it laid however, did not have a shield and were destroyed by rifle fire from a distance. Eventually a weapon that fires subatomic particles was developed, placed in the back of a plane, and fired at the bird as it was attacking New York City. The subatomic particles brought down the shield, allowing conventional weapons to kill the bird, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean.


Fighting Power: ****

It is unclear just how the antimatter shield works, but it appears that it stops anything "La Canyana" wishes to stop (allowing it to feed and attack at will by bringing down portions of the shield). Whatever wacky science is involved the end result is that with that shield, the bird is invincible. If one were to break the shield or go through it, then La Canyana proves to be a fairly week creature that is damaged or killed with only a few attacks. With the shield, it may have a lot of defense, but it’s offense is potentially week. It can bite things, it can claw things, it can lift things up, but that’s really about it. Still, it can very well be a force to reckon with under the right circumstances.