
A.K.A.: Troglodyte, Trogdor, Homo troglodytes

Height: Over 10 feet

Weight: Over 800 pounds

Regular Abilities: making wooden clubs and bashing things, hitting stuff with horn on head, wrestling, punching and kicking

Special Abilities: none

Weakness: none known

Film Appearances: "Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger" (1977)

History: A species thought by some to be a human ancestor. One was encountered by Sinbad's crew on their voyage to Ademaspai. Although wary at first, one Troglodyte (nicknamed "Trog") eventually befriended the crew and helped them find their way around. When the crew was attacked by a large saber-toothed cat, Trog was quick to come to help. Using a spear he found (from the crushed Minoton) he fought with the sabertooth but ultimately was killed by it. The temple collapsed and destroyed the artificially warm environment, wiping out the traces of Ademaspai.

Fighting Power: ***

Being a large human, he possesses the usual human styles of combat. He can use his limbs to full effect to grapple and clobber his foes, and is skilled at using tools and weapons. Although he doesn't have the brain capacity of a modern human, he still is a fairly smart fighter that can use what he has to the full effect. The fact that he was killed by the sabertooth was more an aspect of bad luck than raw skill. Like any normal being, a large wound to the wrong spot will take him down.