Giant Octopus


A.K.A.: It, Oodaku, Oadaoku, Odaka

Length: 25 Meters

Weight: 20 000 Tons

Regular Abilities: Grabbing tentacles, sharp beak, poison,

squishy body that repels physical blows

Special Abilities: None

Weakness: Fire, can’t stay out on land for long

Film Appearances: It Came from Beneath the Sea

King Kong vs. Godzilla (1962)

Frankenstein Concurs the World (1965) - alternative ending

The Gargantuans (1966)

Godzilla (1998) (stock footage)


Form 1: It was a big octopus that lived in a sea trench. Due to atom bomb testing, it was unable to find it’s food. It swam to the surface and ate the only food it could find: people. It attacked San Francisco, and was held back by flame-throwers. It was killed when a special torpedo was sent in his brain.

Form 2: Possibly of the same species, maybe a little smaller than the original, I’m not sure. No reference was made to the original, but I believe it had influence. Had brief cameos in a few Toho movies, mainly King Kong Vs Godzilla. Attacked King Kong and Frankenstein, two other Japanese rip-offs of American monsters. Didn’t do much, but the few scenes it got had impact.

Fighting Power: ***

You may be wandering why I rated it so high. It comes down to defense. How many other monsters can literally bounce back from physical attacks? How many other monsters can have a limb chopped off but still have 7 more and the original grow back? How many other monsters are so stretchy that they can almost never be beat up? How many other monsters are so slimy no other monster wants to touch them? The Japenese Octopus was cheated, it had more power than that. Did you realize that most octopuses have sharp beaks that can crack open a shell on almost any see creature? The big Octopus is more powerful than you realize. Plus, it can easily have the level 2 Ebirah for dinner!