
Height: 20 ft. (just a guess)

Width: 30 ft. (another guess)

Weight: A lot

Regular Abilities: sharp teeth and beak, gripping tail, gains two new heads if one is chopped off

Special Abilities: teeth can form fighting skeletons from those that the Hydra killed

Weakness: none known

Film Appearances: "Jason and the Argonaughts" (1963)

"Disney's Hercules" (1997?)

History: Classic Greek monster. In the Hercules legend, Hercules must slay a Hydra along with a bunch of other things. But, the movie "Jason and the Argonughts" includes a Hydra even though there was none in the Jason myth. It protects the Golden Fleece. It was killed by Jason, and its teeth were later used to make an army of skeleton warriors.

Fighting Power: ***

Fast and vicious. This snake-like monster is one of the better Greek creations. Just when you think it's over, this guy gets more snapping heads! Starts with one, and gains two more if it is cut off. Limit unknown. But, if the heads are ignored, the heart makes an easy target. Still, getting past all those heads is not easy.