

Height: 50 Meters

Weight: 35,000 Tons

AKA: "Space Ninjas"

Powers/Weapons: Baltan-Seijin has several powers at his disposal. He can fire either an explosive white beam or a paralyzing red beam from his giant claws. To confuse and bewilder an enemy, Baltan-Seijin can also project multiple, fake illusions of his body. Baltan can also hypnotize human beings and use them as translators for his speech. Also, Baltan can revive from direct hits to his body by shedding his outer layer of skin.


First Appearance: "Ultraman" Episode Two: "Shoot The Invader"


History: Baltan-Seijins begin as microscopic creatures. Several billion microscopic Baltans came to the planet Earth in search of a new planet to call their own, for their home planet was annihilated by nuclear testing. When they landed on Earth, one Baltan grew to gigantic size, while the rest stayed in the ship. The Science Patrol, the organization that Ultraman's human form belonged to, tried to negotiate with the Baltans, to no avail. Before the Baltan-Seijin could wipe out life on Earth, Ultraman intervened. The red-and-silver hero destroyed Baltan-Seijin with his signature weapon, the Specium Ray. Ultraman proceeded to destroy the Baltan's spaceship housing the other microscopic creatures, assuring that no more Baltan-related problems would arise.


Fighting Power: ****/*****

Baltan-Seijin is Ultraman's well-known arch-nemesis. Powerful and deadly, the Baltan-Seijin are excellent fighters. Baltans have appeared in many incarnations over the years, and are also known as the self-proclaimed "space-ninjas". Variations of Baltan-Seijin include Baltan-Seijins II,III, Baltan Jr., Baltan-Seijin V, VI, Mecha-Baltan, Psycho Baltan, Neo-Baltan, and more.




Baltan-Seijin is from the Japanese TV and movie series of Ultraman

Written by The CEO of Monster Island