
A.K.A.: The Reptilian, "Yongary", Yongary with extra "g", YINO: Yonggary In Name Only

Height: 350 ft.

Weight: 50 times the size of a T. Rex

Regular Abilities: Biting, punching, shoving, shoulder-bashing, spikes on arm and one on nose, dodging, hopping around

Special Abilities: short bursts of fast-moving fire from mouth, something extremely powerful that he hasn't remembered yet

Weakness: Controlled by space aliens if a "damon" is on his forehead, but they can teleport him and give him a shield of sorts

History: 200 million years ago, the skeleton of a powerful dinosaur called "Yonggary" is buried by space aliens. When humans dig it up in 1999, the aliens re-animate the skeleton and Yonggary lives again. They control him through a diamond-shaped "damon", ordering him to attack "The City". When the "damon" is destroyed, Yonggary reverts to his friendly state, and saves the world from the threat of Cyker. The aliens retreat for now, and Yonggary settles on a deserted island.

Fighting Power: ****

If Yonggary was ever involved in a game of kaiju dodgeball, he would probably win. His main style of fighting is to sit around, dodge projectile attacks, and send out his own. He is very good at ducking, swerving, and getting out of the way. But even if he is hit by something powerful, he still can "take it" pretty well. With good dodging and good stamina, it takes a long battle of attrition to bring him down. His fire blasts may be powerful and he has deadly aim with them, but he does eventually wear himself out with them. Still, he is a very powerful monster with a lot of coordination and occasional and surprising agility. He may not move much, but when he does, he makes it count.