Giant Behemoth

A.K.A.: Behemoth, brontoasurian behemoth, paleosaurus

Length: 150-200 ft.

Weight: A lot

Regular Abilities: Teeth, tail, claws, tail, rearing up and slamming down, electrical field (like an electric eel)

Special Abilities: Radioactivity waves

Weakness: So radioactive that just a little more can kill it


Film Appearances: "The Giant Behemoth" (1958)


History: Woken up and mutated by atomic waste. Extremely radioactive. Attacked London, and was killed by a radiation overdose because of a special torpedo.


Fighting Power: ****

Basically, he's a big brachasaurus-like dinosaur with sharp teeth and can swim. He is slow, but he can hit you hard with a surprisingly large array of attacks. Fairly generic, but he is so radioactive that he can project a flesh-burning radioactive wave. If it's biological, it's in trouble. Assumed to have a good defensive skin too, unless it is hit in that skinny neck of his.