
A.K.A.: Triceratops, Styracosaurus, Centrosaurus, Pachyrhinosaurus, the thing with horns

Length: 30 feet

Weight: 11 tons

Regular Abilities: Two big horns above eyes, one smaller one on snout, bony frill on neck, the beak, powerful runner and impaler

Special Abilities: None

Weakness: herbivore

Film Appearances: "The Lost World" (1925)

"One Million Years B.C." (1966)

"The Valley of Gwangi" (1969)

"Jurassic Park" (1993)

"The Lost World" (1997)

"Dinosaur" (2000)

History: Triceratops. Very large dinosaur at the end of the cretatios period. Theorized to be a plant eater that organized big herds. Used horns for fighting other of its kind, and for defense. Unlike others of it's kind, the Triceratops had a solid frill, and so it provided some protection against the dominant predator, the Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Fighting Power: ***

Triceratops was a kind of dinosaur was born to fight. Mostly those of it's kind for mates and stuff, but other dinosaurs might not fare so well if charged. Getting three big sharp horns jabbed into you would be quite painful. In the movies, it was showed to be a fair match for large predators such as T-Rex, occasionally killing the opposing dinosaur. Big, tough, strong, and with huge sharp things on the business end. Not a good idea to make one mad.


(Trike is a representative of all the large horned herbivores that fought large carnivores in movies)