Magic Serpent

A.K.A.: Majikku-hebi, Magic Dragon, Dragon Matariu, Droggo

Length: 30 meters (mostly a guess)

Weight: a lot

Regular Abilities: teeth, powerful wrapping body, a good swimmer

Special Abilities: can expel a nearly-endless stream of water from mouth, various magical abilities

Weakness: None known


Film Appearances: The Magic Serpent (1966)

History: Using the powers that he learned/stole, an ambitious magician helped with a traitorous rebellion to take over a kingdom in medieval Japan, turning himself into a dragon in order to capture or kill the fleeing prince of the kingdom, but was injured by a magical eagle and forced to let the young prince go. This came back to haunt him ten years latter when the prince decided to take his kingdom back, but he decided to use the opportunity to seize the kingdom for himself. The only thing that stood in his way was the prince himself, who became a part of a giant toad, and so they did battle. With the help of a giant spider, the fight with the monsters ended in a fiery explosion, and the two continued to battle in human form until the man who became the dragon was killed.


Fighting Power: ****

Being able to turn into a giant dragon is quite the useful ability for sheer size alone, but combined with great strength and a few nifty abilities, the form is handy for battling other giant monsters as well. With power, agility, and cunning fighting, this dragon is quite capable in combat. Being able to shoot a stream of water is handy as well, but only if fire comes into play. Other then the water the dragon hasn’t been noted to do much, but being a transformed magician one can only assume that there is more to it than can be seen.