Giant Walrus

A.K.A.: Walrus giganticus

Length: 20 ft. (just a guess)

Weight: A lot

Regular Abilities: bashing things with tusks, crushing foes under blubber, slapping with tail, a good swimmer

Special Abilities: none

Weakness: none known

Film Appearances: "Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger" (1977)

History: A species of large walrus that lives in the Artic. One was encountered on one of Sinbad's legendary voyages. It burst through the ice and attacked everything that moved. After battling it with spears and nets, Sinbad and his crew eventually drove it off.

Fighting Power: ***

On land/ice, this creature is slow moving, but in water it can swim around fairly fast with a surprising amount of agility. In either environment, it is very strong and can bash it's way through anything in it's path. Walruses are known to fight each other, and very skilled at their particular style of combat. A tough animal to contend with, and even worse if it was giant in size.