Giant Gila Monster


A.K.A.: The Gila Monster, Gila, Monster

Length: About 75 ft.

Weight: 2 tons of slithering scales (according to video box cover)

Regular Abilities: Big mouth with teeth, tail, claws, poisonous

Special Abilities: None

Weakness: For some odd reason, it's flammable

Film Appearances: "The Giant Gila Monster" (1959)

History: Due to an overactive growth gland, because of salt or something, a normal gila monster grew out of control. For years, it was hidden, eating something, nobody knows what, and then it started eating people like popcorn. It was blown up by a driverless car filled with nitro.

Fighting Power: ***

Gila monsters are quite the ferocious fighters. They are bad-tempered and vicious. They got teeth, and they know how to use them. Not only that, but gila monsters are the only lizard in the world that are poisons. It wasn't played off in the movie, but they got poisons teeth. Quite the effective combination. However, this particular gila monster is flammable for some odd reason. It catches fire easily. Sill, you got to love one of the few monsters that has pink colorations on it.