Giant Robo

Height: 165 feet?

Weight: 44,000 tons?

Armament: powerfull punches and kicks, finger missiles, giant missile on back, laser eye beams, fire stream from mouth, can emmite radio waves from left ear (disables any cloacking devices), can fire "bullets" made of light out of back to rain down on enemys, can shoot the "V" shaped bomb device at objects to stick to and explode, can imitate a crossbow with arms to fire flaming arrows, long wire in belt, can shoot forth a chain-like device from thumb, electricaly-charged wire from chest, eletrical energy from neck, can emit heat-inducing radiation around body, rocket-propulsion flight capibility

Weaknesses: None Known

Appearances: "Giant Robo" a.k.a. "Johny Socko and His Giant Robot" (TV show, 1968)

Giant Robo (7 episode OVA anime movie series, 1992-98)


History : A giant robot that saves the Earth from giant monsters.


Fighting Power: *****