Death Dalek 

AKA: Ultra Dalek
Height: 60 Meters
Weight: 46, 000 Tons
Regular Abilities: Uses special air discs under base allowing it to fly or float over rough terrain. Fire-arm on body shooting a scrambler ray. If he enemies skin is slightly weaker than average, it will use the scrambler ray to destroy the organs inside it's body. It can survive under extreme heat.

Special Abilities: Inside the small circular discs on body, are suffocation discs. If the Death Dalek is beaten beyond repair, it will let a disc fall off, forcing all of the air that the enemy monster is using, away from it. It can only use this weapon once.

Weakness: Inside each Dalek, there is an immobile, inhuman creature which can not survive in the outside world. If the Dalek's head is removed and air makes contact with the creature, it will die, leaving the Dalek itself immobile. Also, the Dalek can not survive under extremely cold conditions.

Film Appearences: (Smaller versions) Dr. Who & The Daleks, Daleks Invasion Earth 2150 A.D. Also had numerous appearances on the BBC Sci-Fi serial, Doctor Who.

History: On the planet Skaro, a race of people called the Kaleds, where mutated in a nuclear accident, leaving them dying. A scientist named Davros, constructed a machine which the Kaleds could live in and survive the nuclear radiation. These were called Daleks. Soon, the Dalek's became evil, and became mere tools of destruction, which the insane Davros used for conquering galaxies. The Daleks have no compassion, and their only aim is to exterminate and conquer.

Fighting Power: * * *

Despite the Death Dalek's shabby appearance, it is no push over. It is programmed to exterminate anything in it's path, and with the power to survive radioactivity (many of the monsters main powers) it can fare very well against some of the stronger monsters such as Gojira. However, it is not incredibly fast, so it probably would not fare well against such monsters as Mothra or Rodan. It can sense life signs from miles away, so if a monster attempts a sneak attack, the Death Dalek will be ready.

Name: George Smillie
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