Giant Snake



Length: ???

Weight: ???

Regular Abilities: Fangs, burrowing ability, constriction, possible poison

Special Abilities: None

Weakness: Thin body

Film appearances: "King Kong" (1976)


History: Part of a race of giant snakes on Skull Island. Eats anything large, including "kongs". Attacked King Kong in 1976. Provided a distraction for Dwan to escape. Was swiftly killed by King Kong.

Fighting Power: **

Not much is known about this thing, it had a very brief appearance. It was killed quickly by King Kong, meaning it probably isn't very powerful. However, if you look at real snakes, they are very efficient killers. They can squeeze the air out of just about anything in seconds. This snake here wasn't done very "snake-like". I like the idea of a giant snake, I think it's a cool idea. If you have any more info on this thing or giant snakes as a whole, please tell me!