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Hyssop essential oil is extracted from Hyssopus officinalis from the Labiatae family. It is also called "Azob."




This oil is non-irritating and non-sensitizing, but due the presence of pinocamphone it should be used moderately. Avoid during pregnancy and if you suffer from epilepsy.


Therapeutic Properties


Hyssop oil's therapeutic properties include anti-rheumatic, anti-septic, anti-spasmodic, carminative, cecatrizant, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, expectorant, nervine, sedative, stimulant, tonic and vulnerary.




Hyssop essential oil affords a feeling of alertness, alleviating anxiety and fatigue. It makes a good convalescent tonic, is effective in cases of respiratory complaints, viral infections like colds, coughs, flu, sore throats, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh and tonsillitis.

For the digestive system it benefits colic, indigestion and flatulence. Hyssop oil relieves fluid retension during menstruation and may help with amenorrhea and leucorrhea.

Hyssop essential oil also has a healing effect and can benefit bruises, cuts, dermatitis, eczema, wounds and inflammation.


Burners & Vaporizers

Hyssop oil added to vapor therapy can relieve anxiety, mental fatigue, colds, coughs, asthma, bronchitis and infections.


Blended In The Bath

Add to massage oil, or dilute in the bath for anxiety, fatigue, respiratory and viral infections, menstrual complaints, colic, flatulence, indigestion and skin care.


Blends Well With


Angelica, Clary Sage, Geranium, Melissa, Orange, Rosemary and Tangerine.