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Grapefruit essential oil is extracted from Citrus paradisi (a.k.a. Citrus racemosa and C. maxima var. racemosa) from the Rutaceae family. It is also called "Shaddock".




Grapefruit oil can irritate skin if exposed to intense sunlight after treatment. Otherwise it is considered non-irritating, non-sensitizing and non-toxic.


Therapeutic Properties


Therapeutic properties of Grapefruit oil include antidepressant, anti-infectious, antiseptic, aperitif, diuretic, disinfectant, lymphatic stimulant and tonic.




Grapefruit essential oil is high in vitamin C concentration and benefits the immune system greatly. It helps to protect against colds and flu. It acts as a diuretic alleviating water retension and cellulite.

It is used for muscle stiffness and fatigue, congested oily skin, acne, stress, depression, nervous exhaustion and headaches. It tones skin and promotes hair growth.


Burners & Vaporizers

Add Grapefruit oil to vapor therapy for hangovers, headaches, over indulgence and mental fatigue.


Blended In The Bath

Add to massage oil, or dilute in bath to benefit cellulite, colds, flu, listlessness, jet lag, headaches, moodiness, mental and physical fatigue and obesity.


Blended In Lotions & Creams

Add to base cream, lotion or body wash for use with greasy, congested skin and acne.


Blends Well With


Bergamot, Frankincense, Geranium, Lavender and Palmarosa.