Weekly Uplift!

{Misc. writings by Joe Talhelm}

There are two reasons for this web site. To lift up Jesus Christ and to help people. If I can do both of these, with these simple writings, then I will be happy. Most, if not all these writings, were articles I had written for our local newspaper, the Crowley Post/Signal, or for our church Newsletter. This is a simple text site because that's how I am - kinda simple.

Man's creations are exciting, but how about this creation?
If you like dumplin's read this.
The day I wore two different colored socks......talk about embarrassed!
Shhhh, did you hear that?  It sounded like a burglar - are you scared?
Little things DO make a difference.
My daughter and her frogs.
Problems?  Giants in your life?  Meet Dave.
Ever played basketball without a basketball goal?
Arnold Palmer - you have nothing to fear.
Did you ever try on your parent's shoes?
I used to live in this really terrific apartment - well, maybe it wasn't so terrific!
How do you spell trouble?
Have you ever been in a cornfield and got lost?
Who is your favorite cartoon character?  Mine is......
What have you heard lately?
The best place to grow up is in a tent?

I hate to shave!
Everything I know I learned in the sandbox.
You have heard of a dog's life, but what about a dog's love?
A romantic trip in a canoe that turned out not so romantic!
Dad & Mom always told me to be still!
Every day we make choices that count.
Join the club!
Can you think of the many things we take for granted?
I have lots of memories of childhood, how about you?
Do you believe in cloning?
What time is it?
Don't you just love the face of a baby?
You never have had chiggers like this.
Believe it or not, there are good things happening these days.
What do you think when you hear the word layoff?
Two great words - No Problem!
Did you way you wanted to go back to the old days?
Just how many miles would YOU walk?
Are you really satisfied with life today?
Are you a bath person or a shower person?
What is your favorite slogan?
The one thing that you can give to others and it will not cost you a dime.
Being stable in an unstable world - is this possible?

Note: If you like any of the above devotionals and want to copy them - you have my permission to do so. I feel like God helped me write them, so who am I to want any credit or compensation for what He has allowed me to do?


This Nazarene Webring site is owned by Joe Talhelm.

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Last Updated on August 11, 1998 by Joe Talhelm