What We Take For Granted

by: Joe Talhelm

I am ashamed to admit that I take too many things and people for granted. Every day I take for granted the electricity I use (and the people who work to provide it). Each day I take for granted the nice clean clothes I wear (and the wonderful wife that washed them). Many times a day I take for granted the automobile I drive (and the people who made it and those who keep it going). I take for granted on a daily basis the hugs and kisses I get from my family (and the blessing of having a great wife and kids). I take for granted the clock that gets me up, the nice hot water in my shower, the air conditioning, the home, the job, the pay, the friends, the many office machine, the telephones, the bank attendants, the gas station personnel, the city employees, the newspaper workers, the state highway department, and so on. Obviously I haven't even touched all the people and things, that God has blessed me with, that I take for granted every single day of my life. I have good health, good teeth, good eyes, good ears and a fairly good mind - but every minute of every day I take these things for granted. I can read. My math is not too bad. My common sense isn't too bad either. However, I look past all these blessings and just keep on truckin' in life, without even thinking about what wonderful things God has given to me.

The Bible says that 'this is the day that the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." So, why do I complain? Why do I gripe? Why do I get feeling sorry for myself? I am sorry, dear Lord. Please forgive me. I am going to try to do better. Amen.